Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Where are my shells?

Okay, I'm going to do a little shotgun blogging today.

1. The weather. We had a cold front roll through last night. That. Rocks. It's in the 50s, and I'm wearing a sweater. Not that I couldn't have gotten by with, say, a long-sleeved shirt, but I like sweaters, so at the warmest acceptable temperature, I wear them. By tomorrow, it will be in the 60s, slowly climbing back up to the 80s by the weekend. So today was my only shot at sweater weather. Tomorrow will still be cool enough for boots, though, so I'll have to make that happen.

2. Heroes. Ang, you gotta be happy - they're transforming Hiro away from the goofy personality and more to the samurai one. Right at the end, there was a bit of the goof, but the transformation is clearly under way, so I think you can probably stand to watch it again. Have you even been watching this season? They waited so long to start back up, they almost lost me. But please. Those people are all just too beautiful and bad-ass not to stare at for an hour. Makes me want to take a martial arts class. Seriously.

3. Wurstfest. Good lawd-a-mighty, people, the 10-Day Salute to Sausage is under way! Vanessa damaged some brain cells there last weekend, and Judy and fam have already eaten their way through most of the tents (and nearly lost it all on the rides) - I am BEHIND!! My peeps and I always hit it on the last Saturday night, though, and tradition is tradition. So, this weekend, after I watch the Horns atone for last week's ridiculous performance against Oklahoma State, I'll slap on my liederhosen and head south for some delicious frosty adult beverage and meat on a stick. If we can just find an oompah band to play "Play that funky music white boy." Oy! Oy! Oy!

4. Red-light cameras. Austin is installing them as we speak. Big Brother is watching. It's for "safety." Right. I'm sure that's exactly it. I'm sure it will in no way become a cash cow for the city. They swear the money is going to go into some traffic-safety fund...presumably for more red-light cameras. Can I be the auditor tracking where those funds go - every cent? Can you be ticketed if you flip them off - every single time you pass by one? Because I'd like to. Why not just fit us all with sensors that watch our every move so that if we commit any infraction of the law at any time, we can just be fined immediately? Whoa! She just littered. Fine automatically deducted from her bank account. Then we can all be safe and properly abiding by the law like we're supposed to - good little robots.

5. Got a speeding ticket last week. I'm sure I was speeding, but not as fast as the cop said. He says he radared me, but he was *in front* of me the whole time. Plus he wrote the actual ticket for a slower speed than he says he clocked me. I burned my once-a-year-defensive-driving on a BOGUS ticket a month or two ago (everyone told me to contest it, but I was lazy and took DD - now I can't take it for something I actually did). So, the question: do I take the ticket to court, hope the cop doesn't show up or try to argue that I question the infraction? Or do I suck it up and pay it and let the conviction sit on my record for 3 years? What would you do?


Unknown said...

I'd contest the ticket. it's the right thing to do... The officer needs to be aware that people aren't just going to bend over, besides it's fun to see how our courts system works, if you need a partner in crime, I'm always up for a little R&R at the Texas Courthouse... And... I wore a jacket today too, it looked cool, and not the temperature cool, the other cool...

Judy said...

Let's go with "cool" front - ain't nothing COLD about this. Just nice, brisk weather that involves opening the windows and airing everything out tomorrow, you know? Tee hee!

As for the ticket - get thee to the courthouse and contest that puppy. Shame on that dude for first of all, claiming to radar you from behind WHILE DRIVING (that should be evil like talking on your cell while driving you know?) and then not even writing down the same speed he told you. That has dismissal written all over it. And, you can take some time off from work and enjoy the rest of the day - you'll need some relaxation after fronting the courts!

And finally, WURSTFEST. Go for the pita with the kraut and sausage - $5 with the sausage, $1 in vegetarian mode. It was muy good on Friday night. Of course, if you wait until Sunday after 3, you can get in for free!

Unknown said...

It's worth noting that red light cameras probably cause more accidents than not. Instead of speeding through the yellow light, drivers slam on their brakes, and a pileup results. Just one more friggin' example of the Nanny State(tm) in action. Maybe I will vote Libertarian next year.

And yes, it's good to see Heroes back on its feet. I was this close to giving up on it. Hiro rocks--can we have more sword fights, please?

Anonymous said...

I'm hanging in there with Heroes, but geez, I *hate* Hiro. I think it's the actor (and his voice) that I don't like. Anyway, the samurai stuff is just not that entertaining for me, but it's the other characters and sublots that keep me in. Even though I'm having a very hard time following the story (stories?). Heroes is like a Rubik's Cube for me... intensely frustrating but I keep going back for more torture because some how, some way, I must be smart enough to figure it out... and the revelation will come! Ha.