Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'll buy a vowel.

Phone is still out. Word is that an AT&T repairman should be out today. After it's all up and running, I get to start making calls demanding a refund on my DSL and phone bill for all the days I've been out of service. That'll be so much fun. Big companies are always so willing to step up and do what's right.

So, Pat Sajak is my favorite celebrity today because he gets it. For those of you too lazy to read the editorial he wrote, he basically says that while a celebrity endorsement might be advantageous for a political candidate because of the publicity it brings, it should be completely useless to a voter in helping them determine who to vote for. Sajak says celebrities are "uniquely unqualified" to tell you who to vote for. He's so friggin' right. And the fact that he just said it out loud makes want to buy the man a beer.

That's what's called integrity folks. Sajak *is* a celebrity, and yet instead of trying to elevate himself/celebrities for his own ego-driven motives, he's being intellectually honest. He knows what the truth is, and he's saying it, even if it doesn't particularly do anything for his own status. And you know what? Doing that just elevated his status in my eyes.

Right on, Pat.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I think he took that thought from Alex Trebec. Alex has GOT to be smarter than Pat to do Jeopardy all these years...