Monday, November 19, 2007

Good god I'm tired.

I've always been up front about my love of sleep and my dependence on sleep to function. I've often said that one of my greatest fears of motherhood would be the endless months of interrupted and scarce sleep. I don't even want to know what kind of psychopath that would turn me into.

But I got enough sleep last night, and I still feel like I was up all night. I'm exhausted. I came down with a little sumpin' sumpin' this weekend, and I guess the combination of my body fighting the infection and the fact that I'm supposed to avoid caffeine (among other things, but it's the caffeine that's kicking my butt) for a few days until the antibiotics can really do some damage has just freakin' zapped me.

I swear you never realize how much energy you walk around with on a normal day until you don't have it one day. And it takes so little to just throw how your whole operation into disarray.

I accidentally cheated just a little at lunch. I bought some chocolate milk. It's the whole milk kind all loaded up with chocolatey goodness. It tastes like God made it himself and wanted me to have it so I'd feel better. If not for the 5,000 calories and fat grams (and the Borden label), I'd fight you if you told me differently. But I'd probably fall asleep in mid-punch, so that's not really much of a threat. In any case, I forgot until I'd drunken half of it that chocolate has caffeine in it. Bugger.

Oh well. Give me another 24 hours, and I think I'll be back up to snuff. What does that mean, anyway? Snuff is tobacco, right - like sniffing a cigarette? Why does "up to snuff" mean that you've met a standard? Is there some alternate meaning I'm not aware of? I guess I could Google it and find out. But I'm too tired to bother.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Sweet caffeine - cold turkey is tough!

Hope you are better and soon!