Thursday, November 08, 2007

I think it all started with gold teeth.

A bunch of people with absolutely no sense of what's important in life created the world's most expensive dessert - a $25,000 chocolate sundae.

Just for the record, you could send a kid to college for an entire year for that. At some schools, that would be tuition AND living expenses. Don't ask me for a list of what those schools are. I don't have a kid, which means I don't have to know that kind of stuff. But you get the point.

This vital concoction is made of 28 cocoas, including some of the most expensive and exotic from around the world (because God knows Hershey's doesn't appeal to anyone), and edible gold. Read that again, in case you missed it. I said *edible gold.* Can ANYONE tell me the point of that? I'm not even sure what that means. I'm sure it involves science and metal content and some sort of extraction method, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the end, we come back to the fact that someone somewhere thought people should be able to eat gold. There's literally only one response to that: why?

The effort to create the sundae - truly an amazing use of human potential - was launched in response to some chef coming up with a $1,000 bagel. The proceeds from the sale of that bagel will help raise funds for culinary scholarships, presumably so we can have more such ridiculous food. I think if there ARE actual sales, it just goes to show that some people are too stupid to have money, and it's not necessary for the government to redistribute wealth, because left to our own devices, we'll do it ourselves.

I am suddenly hungry for a bagel, though, now.

1 comment:

Judy said...

If people are spending that kind of money on dessert, they can fork a few K's this way, you know?