Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Web = petri dish of hate.

Wow. I logged into Yahoo this morning and saw a story about 100-calorie snack ideas. "Cool!" I thought. I clicked to the story, which was actually a blog, and I read it. Some of the ideas sounded better than others, but I liked the idea of the blog - low-calorie food ideas.

But then I made the mistake of reading the comments that appeared after the article. It reminded me of one of the things I hate about the Internet. It's such an open forum for hate. Some people were nice, but there were a lot of comments first dissing the article and the idea of non-organic, processed foods, and then it just digressed from there into personal attacks - on people who eat the non-organic, processed foods, on people who have children, on people who have weight problems. It was just hate, hate, hate - vitriol and ugliness.

Several years ago, I joined a message board for a soap opera I watched at the time. I thought it would be fun to talk with other fans about the show. I was wrong. I found the same thing there - hateful, angry people who use the anonymity of the Internet to vomit hostility onto strangers. I left that message board and never joined another one, and I felt the same reaction today. I don't ever even want to go back to that blog, because even though I could just ignore the comments section, I'd know that just below the last line of the article would be all that ugliness, and I just don't even want to be in the vicinity of that kind of negative energy.

There are enough angry, petty, negative people that I can't avoid during the day that I don't need to go looking for any in cyberspace. I just thank God, I guess, that I don't have to live with any of those angry little trolls that spend their days attacking people online. Makes me want to go to a maternity ward somewhere and just surround myself with innocence and people who are happy and filled with love.

1 comment:

Judy said...

It is so silly that people can't just be positive, isn't it? I know of absolutely not one person who actively searches for negativity. And, as a blog author, those that have those kinds of comments on their work should have the authority to delete the evil ones. They're just encouraging it, I think.