Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Roooooound up!

Okay, here we go.

1. Brett Favre is retiring. I happen to love Brett Favre. I think he's awesome - and not just for what he does on the field, but for the man he is in his personal life as well - and I can understand why Packer fans are disappointed. They thought they'd have him for one more year. But if he's ready to move on to the next phase of his life, then more power to him. He's earned the chance to see what's next.

He's given it his all, and he's been fantastic for the franchise, while also being a great husband, dad and philanthropist. He's lived a well-balanced life, never letting his career or fame or money be his god, making sure that he was there for his wife when she battled cancer and proving that you really can have it all - you can be success at your career and your personal life when you make the decision to be. That's a concept close to my heart these days.

You never heard scandals about him or heard him complaining that his salary wasn't big enough or he wasn't appreciated enough. He just worked hard, did the right things, kept his priorities straight and succeeded on every level. He's the true picture of success, and I think he can walk away without any regrets...on to whatever the rest of his life has in store.

2. Hillary is still in it. She won Texas and Ohio, but didn't pick up a lot of delegates. I'll be curious to see if she and Obama team up. Seems like they'd be unbeatable if they did.

3. Some beeotch at a gas station the other night asked me what year my car was. I told her 2007, to which she responded, "I prefer the older body styles on the Tiburons." I wanted to say, "It's funny that you say that, because from the look of what you're driving, I'd have thought you preferred ugly-ass old, white sedans. But you say older body-style Tiburons?" But instead, I just said, "Oh really?"

What exactly is the point of approaching a stranger for the sole purpose of telling them you don't like what they're driving, wearing, etc.?

4. Salma Hayek, who just had her first child, a baby girl, told the press that she had wanted a boy. Hey Salma, shut the fuck up. On second thought, it's too late - it's been recorded forever in the media, so your daughter can read it when she gets old enough...after she's already heard about it because some mean little kid tells her at school (because the mean little kid's mom is jealous of your gorgeous mom and repeats what you said where the mean little kid can hear it). Just go ahead and line up a therapist now. There's nothing like knowing that from Day One you're a disappointment and not really what your mother wanted. Moron.

5. Nepal's "living goddess" has retired. She's 11. I want to retire. But more importantly, can you retire from being sacred? Word is, she would've been replaced as soon as she got her period (I guess it's hard to maintain a goddess's demeanor when PMS grabs hold of you), but still...can you really just say, "I've decided I'm not a goddess anymore. It's too much trouble. Pick someone else to be holy."?

6. Looks like Lisa Marie Presley may be pregnant. Funny...I don't really care. But it's in the news, so am I supposed to? I've never really liked her. I don't dislike her, but she's always seemed unpleasant to me. She never smiles. I wouldn't think she'd be fun to be around.

What's on all of y'all's minds today?

1 comment:

Judy said...

LMP just seems very - broodish, you know? All I can think about is that Michael Jackson video she was in - I would have killed to have a teeny tiny waist like that, but the girl needed to smile at SOME point. Then again, it WAS a Michael Jackson video...

Good golly, the caucus was an interesting experience last night. Not sure I really feel like EVER doing that again, and thank goodness that isn't the ONLY way our votes are counted in Texas!