Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oh, the glory of "things"

I got a new toy! I have achieved a dream of several years now. As a TV junkie and hipster, it has pained me no end to go without a TiVo lo these many years. But those days are over!

DVR is in the hoooooouse!

I got a flyer from Dish Network that they had a new DVR package. The package would allow me to have the same programming I have now, plus DVR service, for less than I'm currently paying. Well, duh!

I called to make sure it wasn't all too good to be true, and it tweren't. So, I did an upgrade on my satellite box, which only cost me $25, $10 of which I can get back if I send them my old box, and I signed up for the new service. I'm obligated to 2 years, and as of next January, they can (and probably will) jack up the price from the package price I'm going to be getting from now until then, but I doubt they'll jack it up too dramatically (Dish has been really good about that since I've had them, and that's 5 years now), so I feel comfortable with locking myself in that long. I don't generally like to obligate myself to more than a year on service of any kind, but I don't change stuff like that too often, so I'm not too concerned.

Anyway! The new box arrived Monday, so all the wires and plugs were wired and plugged into their proper spots that night, and last night I carefully read through the manual to see how to actually use the thing. I played around a bit, getting familiar with my new remote (I think we all know the horror of a new remote), and last night I did some test taping to my new DVR. When I get home tonight, I'll see if it worked!

I'm so excited! I will now have hours and hours of TV that I can't possibly all watch! NIRVANA!!


Judy said...

Sweet bliss - I'm jealous! Like I have time for TV, but still! Maybe I should look into the Dish special - we've had them for 4 years now...

Anonymous said...

Well the devil has got you now! Trust me, from one tv junkie to another, you'll NEVER go back. I freakin' LOVE my DVR. And believe me, those hours and hours of tv you'll now be recording... oh, you will fine time to watch all of it. Which of course turns us into worse tv junkies, no less. Enjoy!