Thursday, March 13, 2008

A meme.

This carries the risk of bringing back bad memories, but I'm taking on a meme from Judy's blog about 9th grade. Let's see what I can remember!

Who was your best friend? Laurie.

Who did you go out with? Tim

Did you have a crush on anyone? Well, there was Tim. But I also always liked John W. He was dreammmmy.

Did you buy your lunch? Sometimes...most of the time? I honestly don't remember if I brought my lunch in 9th grade!

Did you skip? No, although I did skip a pep rally once! Our pep rallies were first thing in the morning, so you could blow it off, be late and still make all your classes.

Did you get suspended/expelled? No.

What was your favorite class? Hmmm...I didn't take Choir my freshman year, so I honestly don't remember a particularly enjoyable class in 9th grade.

What was your mascot? The Rams!

Did you go to the dances? I don't think we had dances. So, if we did, I guess that's a no!

If you could go back would you? Not for Bill Gates' money.

Where did you sit at lunch? No particular spot that I remember, though usually the South cafeteria (We had two - North and South. It was a huge school.).

Who was your science teacher? Don't begin to remember.

Who was your English teacher? You'd think I'd remember this one, but I got nothin'.

Who was your history teacher? I'm sure I must had history in 9th grade...

Who was your math teacher? Crime in Italy, did I even GO to my classes???

Did you think you were cool? Of course - my boyfriend was a Junior.

Describe your outfits in ninth grade? Jeans and OP t-shirts.

Who was your favorite teacher? See the above problem regarding remembering teachers.

What was your most memorable moment? I remember Laurie and I dancing in the stadium bleachers one time while our boyfriends were playing a JV football game. For some reason, we thought we were invisible. We were mortified later to find out both teams had been watching us the whole time.

What were your least favorite memories? Being alive and 15. And having the only fight of my entire life...with the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with. I know - I beat up the wrong person.

What was your best accomplishment? Not getting suspended over the aforementioned fight.

What action do you regret the most? Tim.

What did you spend the most time doing on weekends? Hanging out with Laurie! I seem to remember there being a lot of mall time.

Did you make any lifelong friendships? Not that year.

1 comment:

Judy said...

A fight??? Wow. I at least waited until my senior year to pull the fight card, haha.