Friday, March 21, 2008


So, I didn't get to watch any games online yesterday. The NCAA page was convinced that I needed to run Explorer and upgrade my Windows Media Player in order to watch. Just one problem: I *was* running Explorer, and I upgraded to the newest Windows Media Player - two generations ahead of what they said I needed.

I never could get it to work, so I gave up and just watched the scoreboards. I kicked-eth ass. I only had one loss yesterday by the time I went to bed at 10:00 p.m., and I think my last three teams were ahead at that point, all going into their second halves. I did lose the play-in game, so if that counts, I've had 2 losses so far. But that's pretty damn good!

Unfortunately, I left my bracket at home today - it's sitting on my coffee table. So, I'm not sure who all I need to root for today. I may remember some of my picks, but I definitely won't remember them all. It's not as much fun when you don't know who to root for!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I've got mucho catching up to do today on my score-watching...Maundy Thursday got in the way last night (thanks to being chair of the Worship Committee - when will I learn to say NO????).