Friday, March 07, 2008

Menace on the highway

If you happen to be in Austin at about 5:00 today, you'll probably want to avoid driving. I'm going for my annual eye exam this afternoon, during which they *insist* on dilating my eyes, and then I have to drive myself home - or actually to my parents' house, which is even further and will involve a major highway.

I hate getting my eyes dilated. I wish they wouldn't do it. But it seems to be some non-negotiable thing with this optometrist (or opthamologist or laser-surgery shill or whatever his title is), because they do it EVERY time. I don't remember previous eye doctors doing it every time. In fact, until this doctor, it was rare that I had it done.

I've thought about changing eye doctors, because I'm not always sure they need to do all the stuff they do, but I've been with these people for several years, and it's nice if you have really crappy eyesight and are on "watch" for glaucoma when they have an actual health history for your eyes. They can see over time how things are progressing, etc. So, I stay.

But I just thought I'd put the word out. It's sunny today, and I'll be half-blind (at least up close), so if the entire city would like to just hold off on driving this fine Friday afternoon until around 5:30, that'd be greeeeat. And if you're a traffic cop reading this, I drive a crappy, white four-door sedan, have bushy hair and make a sour face whenever I spot new model Tiburons. Pull me over.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I go next Monday - right after I get my teeth cleaned. Nothing like making the rounds, huh?

I may be going to the drops for glaucoma this time. My eyes feel heavy, like they're larger or something.

and, if you can get traffic in Austin to stop at 5:30 on a Friday, you GO girl! I'll flag you down if you miss your turn and end up over here!