Monday, March 24, 2008

The bunny didn' leave me no malted milk eggs.

I hope everyone had a happy Easter! Mine was quiet, but involved sunny weather, UT winning it's NCAA tournament game and homemade rolls, so you know it was all good.

My bracket has been looking really good, though I've taken some hits with the Duke and Connecticut losses. In the contest I play in, I had the top spot going into yesterday's games. I'll have to see after the moderator updates everything how yesterday's games affected my standing. Hopefully I'm still rockin' the free world in the #1 spot! There's no money involved in the one I play - just glory. But glory is a glorious thing, I always say.

Not too much else to talk about this fine Monday. I'm going to a fondue restaurant tonight, so I'll give you a review tomorrow, but my hopes are high. Melted cheese and chocolate. Hard to go wrong.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Are you going to the Melting Pot? So jealous if you are!

I was biting a few nails there at the end of the game yesterday...I'd rather see them twenty points ahead with 38 seconds left, you know?