Thursday, October 11, 2007

J. Lo

Honey, even visually impaired people can see that you're pregnant. Just say so. You're allowed to say, "Yes, I'm pregnant, as you can see, but Marc and I are trying to keep our private lives as private as possible, so I'm going to leave the details between us."

That elephant in the room will go on his way, and you can start wearing clothes that aren't *designed* to hide what they're not hiding. Unless you're only pretending to hate the papparazzi and you're actually courting the buzz that your refusal to acknowledge the obvious is generating.

Hmmm...hadn't thought of that second option until just now. I thought you were playing the privacy game because after the Ben Affleck "every bowel movement captured on camera" debacle, you had swung a little too far in the other direction. But perhaps you're just manipulating the media - pretending to hate its intrusion by refusing to talk about your obvious pregnancy, knowing that the refusal will actually cause them to talk about you more, which means you're actually using your pregnancy to create buzz for your tour. Hypocritical much?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Pfft...okay, totally sad moment - I had to ask Scott who J Lo was...