That's a misnomer. They should be called "Make you look like shit" jeans. Seriously, I can't think of a style that makes you look worse, unless you're one of those anorexic, Kate Moss, waif models they're using to sell them. Real women look like ass in them. They aren't just tight. I mean, I was a teenager in the '80s. I've worn jeans tight enough that you have to lay down to zip them up. In fact, the tight fit in the '80s almost ruined me for jeans altogether. I actually avoided wearing them for years because my association with denim was how uncomfortable it was.
In my 20s, a boyfriend encouraged me to try baggy jeans (it was the 90s). I did, and I thought that was about the greatest thing ever. Of course, if you're a thin person, baggy clothes tend to make you look like you're shriveling. But I was just so happy to be comfortable, I convinced myself it was "a look."
Eventually, I (thankfully) got away from that look. I've tried a number of times to buy low-rise jeans - the ones that sit on the hips, well below the waist, are kind of tight but flare a little at the bottom. They look good on everyone else. But I have small waist, and most of the low-rise jeans and shorts I've tried on gap at the back. I'm not giving up, though. I've found an occasional pair here and there that work, so I'm still hanging in there. I actually bought a pair of low-rise jeans recently that are *just* a little loose, so I'm going to wash them in hot water and see if that does the trick. But all of this effort on my part is occurring just as the trend is changing.
This brings us back to skinny jeans - jeans that are tight all the way down to the ankles - hugging every single inch of flesh, accentuating any bit of curve, mainly the curve you *don't* like. God forbid you should have hips. Look at the models in the link I included. Do those appear to be women who have ever eaten a sandwich? Ever?
These are jeans for 12-year-olds and bulemics. The rest of us need to avoid them. Do not buy them. You *will* look bad. I know it's fashionable, and it's awesome that you think you'll look just like Mischa Barton if you wear them, thereby boosting your self-esteem and confidence. But you'll be wrong. You won't look like Mischa Barton. You'll look like Thelma Thudpucker poured into poorly fitting jeans with your saddlebags on display. Don't do it.
Crap. I was hoping the baggy jean would come back. I certainly don't need to accent any of my cellulite!
Okay, I think I know exactly the type that these jeans were meant for... me at 20. Jeans like this are meant for girls who are built like boys... no hips, no nothing. That was me then. Now, I have a nice layer of padding encircling my midsection and upper thighs that gives the illusion of hips. So these aren't for me, no sir.
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