Monday, August 14, 2006

Hitchcock and the mall

The power went out at my house for a short time at some point on Friday. I came home and my bedside clock was flashing, the stove clock said "PF" (power failure) and my VCR had been zeroed out. I don't have actual timers set on my VCR, like to get the same shows at the same time every week or anything, but I do like the counter to stay set so I know how much time is left on a tape. Also, when it zeroes out, it knocks it off channel 3, which is where it needs to be to record anything off my satellite (people with TiVo are laughing at me right now with my primitive setup. As the Southie Boys on Treasure Hunters would say, "Shut up!"). In any case, I had to reset everything when I got home Friday.

Anyone who reads this blog regularly really should have an inkling where all this is going. Last night, at midnight, my alarm went off. I had that terribly groggy response of, "God, I'm still so tired. I wish I could sleep a few more hours." Then I looked at the clock, realized I'd forgotten to reset the alarm when I reset the clock, and had to fumble around in the dark trying to reset it to 6:00 a.m. I managed to turn on the "sleep" function, as I always do when trying to set the damn thing in the dark, which turned on the radio, so I had to get that turned off. Then, as long as I was up, I went ahead and went to the bathroom. This was WAY too much activity, and my mind got started. Consequently, it took me 45 minutes to get back to sleep. And I'd been sleeping so soundly when the stupid thing went off! I'm such an idiot.

The weekend up to that point was pretty good, though technically, once it hit midnight, I guess it was Monday! Anyway, I had a blissfully dull Friday night. I did nothing. And it was great. In fact, they had a Hitchcock weekend on one of my movie channels, and Rear Window was on Friday night. That's one of my all-time favorite movies, so I turned out all the lights and lounged on the couch under a throw with the a.c. down low in the dark and watched it. That's pretty much heaven for me.

Saturday I visited the folks, and Sunday I did some shopping. I haven't been to the mall in a while where I didn't just run in for something and run right back out. I actually spent some time on Sunday looking around and people-watching. I enjoyed it. I like to see the couples and families and friends interacting, catching snippets of their conversation as they pass by, seeing what they're wearing and where they're shopping. You see people telling stories and people laughing and some people arguing and it's all just so...real. It comforting at this time when things are kind of a mess in the world (when are things NOT a mess in the world?) to see people living in their microworlds. Life goes on, ya know?

1 comment:

Judy said...

As long as everything is a go for tonight - TREASURE HUNTERS! I am counting on a good review from you tonight because my bunko group will be at my house and goodness knows I won't be able to watch it - WAH!

Speaking of primitive, we don't even have our VCR recording going on here - how sad is that???