Thursday, August 03, 2006

Random thoughts, again

Just feel like doing random thoughts today. So, here are a few.

1. War. Dammit.

2. What the hell is wrong with Mel Gibson?

3. Clay Aiken's got a new album coming out. Guess that's why he made a guest appearance on the last American Idol. The fact that he looked like a scary Pee Wee Herman runway model (or more accurately, Paul Reubens with black, shag-style hair but still in a suit) during that appearance can't help sales. Oh, and it's only got about 3 original songs. Has it completely escaped him that the idols who are selling well are doing original material?

4. Rhett Bomar has been kicked off the OU football team. I figured he must've murdered Bob Stoops' entire family right in front of him for Stoops to actually kick him off the team, but apparently it was just your usual booster corruption - paying players. I assume the NCAA was about to find out and do serious harm to OU or they would've tried to shut it down and cover it up. I'm not saying that because it's OU. I imagine all the big teams have to fight that kind of thing. You can control what your program does, but not what boosters do, and nobody wants to lose their star players if they can avoid it without getting bitch-slapped by the NCAA. So, a bitch-slappin' must've been on the way. Do these stupid boosters never learn?

5. Sales tax holiday this weekend. Crowds should be insane, but I need a few things, and it'd be nice to escape the extra 8.25%. I'm only good for about an hour and a half of shopping anyway, so maybe I'll dive in on Saturday. Could take me an hour and a half just to park. Oh, and if I do go shopping, I'm not even going to *think* about either of the outlet malls - the one in San Marcos or the new one in Round Rock. Those places are going to be out of control.

6. What the hell is wrong with Mel Gibson?

7. High today: 99 degrees. Whatever.

8. Floyd Landis. Did he cheat? I don't think so. If I understand it right, testosterone only helps over a long period of time. So, boosting it for one day wouldn't really do anything. So, why would you do it for no benefit and risk being disqualified? A boost in testosterone wouldn't account for his comeback, correct? On the other hand, he hasn't been as strident with his denials as he should've been, which makes you wonder. I think he's going to go down, partially because they could never nail Lance for doping (if you can't get one American champion, get another), but I think the truth will be a long-time coming. If he didn't do anything wrong, I feel for him. If he did, then he shouldn't have the title.

9. Texadelphia cheesesteak. That's good eatin'. (I'd put a photo of one right here, but Blogger is being difficult about uploading a picture.)

10. Tropical Storm Chris is weakening and breaking up. Good.


Anonymous said...

They're opening a Texadelphia in on Anderson Lane! 5 minutes away! woo-hoo!

Judy said...

What IS wrong with Mel Gibson?

You are a brave woman to even CONSIDER shopping this weekend. I don't go at all. Saving $8 on every $100 I purchase (which I wouldn't do anyway) won't even pay for the gas I'll burn looking for a place to park. I'm staying put.