Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No treasure yet.

Ang and I got robbed last night! We thought it was the finale for Treasure Hunters, but it turns out the finale is next week. And next week is supposed to be "live" - I'm not sure I quite understand how that's going to work, but I guess we'll find out!

The best part of last night's show was the Southies at the Library of Congress - no question! They were hilarious, mostly because they knew how completely out of place they were there. "They put three rockheads in a library to look for a book." Priceless! I mean, how about the one guy writing the book titles on his arm? That's just so...man on the street. I just wanted to step in and help them!

Air Force, of course, got the clue bingo-bango. Ang and I were noting how well they function as a team. They never argue, and they each come up with ideas and clues that lead them to the answers they're looking for. It will be an absolute crime if they don't end up winning.

And what's up with the Geniuses being given the clue about the printing press? Air Force had to figure it out, but the Geniuses got a call giving them the clue. That seems like crap. And did the Southies get that same call? The wonderful editing didn't show us.

Lazaretto Battery. It just killed me with the Geniuses got their first. I can't stand the thought of those guys winning. Ang and I were beside ourselves wanting Air Force to get there! I did have a good laugh in this segment, though. The Geniuses were in the basement, looking for the clue, and they start talking to each other, but they're whispering. Why? There were no other teams there!

Well, the promo made it look like things would even up a bit for the finale next week. I hope so. Air Force has just got to get in there and win this puppy! Ang and I will try again next week to watch together, and hopefully NBC won't psych us out again!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Whew. I can watch next week! That bunko got in the way, and I was totally bummed that people did not leave my place until 9:15! GO HOME CRABBY BUNKO WOMEN!!! GO HOME!

Next week, though, I'll be in front of the tube!