Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I got nuthin'

I'm dry today. I've got nothing. My head hurts (I think from allergy). It's kind of humid so my hair looks marginal. I keep forgetting if it's Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm hungry, yet I appear to be too lazy to get up and get something to eat. And I can't light on a subject today for my blog. How about I throw some questions out? I'll give you my answer and anyone who stops by can answer in the comments section? It'll be kind of a meme. Don't be shy.

1. Have you ever played a sport?

Yes, when I was a young'un I used to do gymnastics and play volleyball and run track. I had to quit in high school, though, because I was diagnosed with a degenerative condition in both knees, though the doc didn't recommend surgery yet. So, I switched to choir, which I loved. I finally had my knees operated on in 1999, though, so let's go skiing!

2. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

I have no tattoos, and at the moment, my only piercing is my ears (2 on the right ear and 1 on the left). I had my belly pierced for about 6 months several years ago, but I took it out. It looked good, but it was a pain in the patootie. My skin is sensitive and the friggin' thing was constantly rubbing painfully or getting infected. I literally had to soak it every single day in a salt solution and clean it with bacterial soap. Every. Single. Day. Like I need to add anything to my grooming routine. So, I finally decided my belly looked just fine au natural and the piercing came out. There's still a little dot where the hole was. It looks like there's a hole that you could still put jewelry through, but it's actually closed, and I don't EVER plan on stabbing something sharp through my flesh again. I nearly passed out when I got the piercing. No joke. Pain bad.

3. What's your favorite food?

Mexican, hands down. No elaboration needed.

4. What alcohol can you not stand the sight or smell of?

Southern Comfort. The smell makes me gag. I drank a whole bottle once in college and proceeded to fertlize (or kill) the lawn with it later that evening. I haven't been able to touch it since. How did I (a) graduate college TWICE and (b) not kill myself in my 20s?

5. Where have you lived?

Houston; Austin; West Lafayette, IN. I grew up in Houston, went to college in Austin, went back to Houston after graduation, then went to graduate school at Purdue for a semester, then moved back to Austin in '94, where I've been ever since. I actually liked Indiana alot. Nice people and real winter. I wore a real winter coat and trudged through snow and got to wear sweaters. I look good in sweaters. I discovered that 23 degrees is better than 33 degrees because at 33, the snow on your exposed parts melts the second you get inside, wetting you down. At 23, you can brush it off before it melts, leaving you dry. I also discovered, though, that the snow you enjoy in February can also depress you in April. A Texas girl is ready for shorts in April.

Okay, that's enough. Give me your answers in the comments section!


Anonymous said...

Okay, my answers:

1. Have you ever played a sport? I played little league softball when I was in 5th grade, volleyball for one year in junior high, and intramural co-ed softball once in college and then again this last spring. The rest was dancing and stuff - tap, jazz, ballet, gymnastics.

2. Tattos or piercings? No tats and only ear piercings. I avoid pain if I can help it.

3. Favorite food? This one is really hard for me cuz I love me some food. But I suppose that if I had to eat one type of food for an indefinite period of time, it would be Mexican. Japanese might be a close second. Although give me Greek, Indian, Chinese, Italian, or a good 'ol steak any day!

4. Alcohol you can't stand sight or smell of? Laurie knows this one for me, no question. It's tequila. I can handle it in small doses in a margarita, but really, I rarely handle it at all. Makes me want to vomit when I smell it... reminiscent of a bad college night. Seems like a common thread here...

5. Where have you lived? Besides Austin/Buda, I've lived in the Chicago area, in Westport, CT, and in Algeria, Africa.

Judy said...

1. Have you ever played a sport?

Well, I did that track thing in elementary school (hardy har har - yay pink ribbons!). I played softball and volleyball in the church league in high school, played co-ed doubles tennis and won a trophy, too. In college, I did, er, nothing. That's it.

2. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

Only my ears. I am a wuss.

3. What's your favorite food?

Mexicano, senorita!

4. What alcohol can you not stand the sight or smell of?

There's bad alcohol? Really? Actually, the smell of trash can punch is enough to make me gag, but I can pretty well handle anything.

5. Where have you lived?

All in Texas - Houston, Jacksonville, Rosenberg (the arm pit of Texas), Georgetown, Crystal Beach (two summers in college), Willis and now New Braunfels! Except for all that river hoo ha, I really like it here!

There ya go! My answers!