Friday, March 31, 2006

See what happens when you do yard work?

A couple of weeks ago, I was pulling the gargantuan weeds in my front yard, and I got a splinter. The dandelion saplings that grow in my yard have tiny, sharp stickers on their leaves, so I'm assuming it was one of these little spears that lodged itself under the skin of my pinky finger. I tried squeezing to get it out, and I wasn't even sure if I could see it. Was it still in there? Had I gotten it out?

The next day, a red puffy spot told me it was still in there. So, I dug around with a needle and squeezed some more, because if you just inflict enough pain and tear up enough skin, eventually the splinter vacates the area just to get away from you. becomes a red, swollen knot on your pinky finger.

I thought two days ago that maybe I should try lancing the red, swollen knot, sure that fluid would gush out, carrying the splinter with it. But all I did was make the knot scratchy to the touch by tearing up the surface (and it's on the inside of the finger, which means it rubs against the finger next to it all day!).

This morning, I thought I saw the splinter and tried again. Result: more scratchiness.

I hate to spend $20 on an office visit to go to the doctor over something like this, but if I still have the red, swollen knot on my finger on Monday, I think I have to. I don't really want that to be a permanent fixture on my pinky.


Judy said...

Gloves, darling, gloves.

I know, I don't wear them either.

Suzanne said...

Oh, didn't I mention that I WAS wearing gloves? Oh yes, darling - a nice, thick pair, too - not the fru-fru pretty ones for potting plants. Work gloves. Wearing work gloves.