Wednesday, March 29, 2006

And the Danis...they are gone.

This week was a little better on The Amazing Race - a little more drama. And the locations were great.

We started with the first task of flying to Palermo. I must stop here, before we get to how any of the teams did, and note how many of the teams could not properly pronounce "Palermo." Apparently, they'd never heard of it, which is hard for me to imagine, but okay - we're Americans and don't know any geography and don't bother to learn the names of places outside a 50-mile radius of our homes. Fair enough. But can you not READ??? That just bugged me. But I digress.

First of all, we had the rides to the airport. Eric and Jeremy - I decline to even discuss them and their libidos anymore. At least this week. I just have nothing new to add since they are always the same. Lake and Michelle - how arrogant is this putz? He actually said *Michelle* needs to improve - like she's been holding them back - as he reiterates how he's the leader of their team. Well, how unfortunate since you screw something up every leg and apparently can't even use the Internet. You're a real leader, pal - you've got it all under control, don't you? No one will be suprised at how giddy I was at the two of them (or Lake in particular, actually) missing both the first flight and then the better connection. Ha. Ha. Ha.

More thoughts on this first task: Luvin' that my hippies got the first flight. And I was even entertained by the wheelchair obstacle course, even though it involved the hound dogs. Fran and Barry slippin' past the Lakester was fun - she was smart enough to ask about the connecting flight, unlike Mr. Tude. But how about that remark when she asked him to step back as they made their reservations - "She's a doctor's wife. She shouldn't be actin' like that." What? If you're married to a doctor you're supposed to act like Michelle? And the rest of us women-folk who aren't married to a doctor, we can go ahead and act like the trash that we are? Butthead.

Detour: Foundry or Laundry. I think I would've risked the extra time and gone with "Laundry" because I don't think I would've been strong enough to carry that bell. I was just relieved that Fran and Barry got smart and didn't choose the physical task this time. They're learning! Of course, they walked right past the cluebox again. I'm impressed they're still in it, but I still don't think there's any real chance that they'll win it.

Task: traveling to Segesta. What a beautiful location! Those ruins were amazing. I love history and archaeology, and just being there would have been incredible. Of course the Danis couldn't drive a stick. Do any of these people watch the show before they go on it? If they did, they'd know that a stick shift is in their future!

Yield: I *knew* Lake would yield someone - anyone. He's just the type that lives for that kind of thing. I will say that I've noticed through the seasons how angry some people get when they're yielded. They really shouldn't take it so personally. It's just part of the game. Every time I've seen it used, it's been nothing more than strategy - not a personal attack because one team didn't like another (unless I'm forgetting an episode somewhere along the line). So, there's no sense having a fit about it and hating the other team. But they often get really angry. Now, a lot of teams won't yield anyone as a matter of strategy as well - they don't want to make someone mad who might come back later and burn them. I guess you just have to weigh the needs of the present moment with the longer-term possibility that you might make an enemy.

Roadblock - build the statue. I could've done this one, but I'm afraid I would've been like Lori. I think I would've lost a lot of time, determined that the extra two pieces must fit somewhere and losing my cool when I couldn't figure it out. Frustrated tears would have been a possibility. I also wondered why no one looked at the already-completed statues done by other teams, though. They would've seen the extra pieces if they had and known there were supposed to be leftovers. I wonder if there's a rule against that, against looking at someone else's completed task?

Pitstop - The hippies are first!! Yea!!! I'm so glad the Danis are out, and I'm glad that Ray and Yolanda are still him. I like them.

1 comment:

Judy said...

ARGH! Baseball season is KILLING my TV schedule! I'm glad you are recapping, because I cannot POSSIBLY keep up with what is going on!