Wednesday, March 15, 2006

You're still racing.

Well, as I feared when I started this blog, life is intruding, and I'm not finding myself able to keep up with posting. I realize that if you don't post pretty much every day, people don't read, so I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hang in there in Blog World. But I'll see if I can't stick with it a while longer. I'll give my rundown on last night's The Amazing Race, then I gotta bust back to my real life and the overload of stuff I have to do in non-Blog-World!

Okay, we started by learning that the Boob Twins are, in fact, stupid ho's. The Pigs, er, Eric and Jeremy, have stated in no uncertain terms they just want to get in those girls' pants, and during the pitstop, the BT's showed they are apparently up for being munched on like cheap candy on national television. I'd really prefer that the 20-something meaningless hookups were relegated to The Real World and The Amazing Race could be blissfully free of all that. It started when Flo and one of the Twins got involved a couple of seasons ago, and now we're down to this. Makes me pray the Boob Twins will be knocked out in this round, just to remove all that. We'll still have to listen to E&J pant about every woman in their path, but at least we won't have to watch them attempt to actually mate.

On to the race itself. The first task this week was the zip line. That looked fun! I'm not too great with heights, but I think would've enjoyed it. As usual, the hippies were fun, kidding around with everyone and scaring E&J, which of course, made me laugh. Lake again proved what a complete tool he is. Not only did he tell his wife to "shut up" as he screwed up and went the wrong way (screwing up while asserting your manly authority is becoming a theme with you, isn't it Lake?), but then later, when she says something that wasn't half as rude as he had been on the way to the zip line (I can't even remember what she said), he tells her "don't be ugly" (as if he hadn't been the picture of it telling her to shut up), and then even better, "don't be a bitch." WOW would I have punched this guy in the face a long time ago! I can't even believe some people find someone to marry them.

Roadblock - the plunge into the Russian pool. This would've totally been my roadblock. The cold would have been a little tough, but I'm a good swimmer, and the water looked like it was heated, so I would've been all over it. I was a little surprised to see so many of the contestants so afraid of water and swimming. I'm a water-baby, myself. I've always loved it. But I was proud of Yolanda and how she pushed past her fear. Wanda made me want to scream. I realize she was scared, but come one - you'd already seen everyone else do it, you were surrounded by people who would never let you drown or get hurt, so just DO IT!!!

One other note on this one: did you hear Michelle's comment to Lake? When Lake says he wishes she'd done the task, she says something like, "Would you really want me out there in a bathing suit in front of all those Russians?" What. Evuh. Good lord, Michelle, it's a pool - EVERYONE is in a bathing suit! And are you under the impression the Russians are going to be so taken with you that they're all going to whip out camera phones and snap your photo, then Photoshop it to make you appear naked then put it on a Russian porn site? Is THAT what you thought would happen? Just jump in the damn pool like everyone else and chill with the Southern belle routine. No one is impressed. Movin' on.

A short stop at Smolensk Cathedral to grab a clue. What's noteworthy here is the fact that the hippies took a couple of seconds to just be quiet and look around and take in the beautiful place. That's why these guys are my boys. They're enjoying the journey, man!

Detour - Scrub or Scour. I have to say, my first thought when I heard it was Scour. I just thought the trolley washing could be tougher than it sounded. Picking the nesting dolls could be a mistake, because you could be there forever looking for the clue (Remember that Roadblock in one season where they had to eat all these pieces of cheese to get the clue and then another one where they had to eat all these pieces of chocolate? Sounded good at first, but after a while, they player wanted to just puke and give up.). But you *could* get lucky, and it's not physically demanding so that kind of saves your strength in case you need it later. Turns out, I would've made a good choice with that. The trolleys were outdoors, meaning you'd be really cold, and they were big, making it hard to clean them all over. Plus, you're at the mercy of the guy and if he thinks you did a good enough job. Also, several people picked Scrub, then couldn't find the trolleys and ended up at Scour, but they lost time.

Another note on this one: did you notice than when Lake asked Eric (or Jeremy - same dif) what the clue looked like after he found it, he said he "couldn't" show it to Lake? But when the hippies found their clue, they gladly showed it to Fran and Barry, and even told them where they found it. That's the difference in character. It wouldn't have harmed E&J's position in the game to show Lake and Michelle what their clue looked like. Karma, boys.

The twist at the end, when Phil tells E&J he's not the pitstop and they're still racing - HAHAHAHAHA!! They should've known that was a possibility since the clue said they were meeting Phil, but didn't say specifically that it was a pitstop. It's like when the clue says the last team "may" be eliminated. Heads up, folks. The wording in the clues is always very careful.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Even if you just post once a week, you know I'll be here!

I just love your recaps of AR because I normally don't get to see much of it. It is so nice to have your "replay" since I am TiVoless myself!