Thursday, March 09, 2006


I was able to watch the second installment of The Amazing Race 9 last night, and let me just do a little jig! Lisa and Joni are OUT! Man, they were annoying. If I thought all the screeching was bad on the first show, the hysterics about the car in the second one was enough to seriously get me rooting that Fran and Barry would beat them to the finish line. Woo-hoo!

Let's run down the episode this week.

Eric and Jeremy - someone turn these guys into eunuchs so I can stop listening to them salivate about every 20-something woman they see. It's really pathetic, and 2 shows in, I'm already sick of it. In the first show you giggled about how you don't want to work, then the second one you spent rutting around like farm animals. I'm now over the hump of tolerating you. Now, I'm actively rooting against you. Go back home, play beach volleyball everyday, and wonder in 20 years why you're alone, have nothing, and your life sucks.

BJ and Tyler - still lovin' you guys! I have no idea why you were buddying up with Eric and Jeremy in the beginning except that you're friendly to everyone. And how happy was I that you guys won the Tahiti trip instead of Piggly and Wiggly? Keep on rollin', you crazy hippies!

Fran and Barry - you're sweethearts, but what were you thinking choosing "Climb It" on the Detour? Do NOT pick strength tasks! I give major props to Fran, especially, for completing it, but you probably lost time, and you almost got eliminated. I don't think this sweet pair has much gas left. They may be out next round unless someone gets tripped up.

This episode featured a Roadblock and a Detour. On the Roadblock, I think I might've volunteered to do it simply because whoever I paired with for the show would have to do all the eating tasks, so I'd have to step up on the ones that were remotely doable for me (why is there never a task that involves spelling?), but it wouldn't have been my best task. For one thing, DAMN that was a lot of stairs! I'm a sprinter, baby...sprinting on a flat surface. 432 flights of stairs, not by bag. And I'm not too good with heights, either, so the rappelling might've led to vomitting - if not the actual rappelling, then the fear of it as I waited up top to start. Sadly, I might've sounded a lot like Danielle (or was it Dani? Who knows? Who cares? Same difference.). But I would've been willing to try, so I get points for that.

On the Detour, I think I would've picked "Press It." The waterfall was beautiful, and I would've hated to miss seeing that, but my upper body strength leaves something to be desired (and I would've been pretty much used up after the Roadblock if I'd had to do that one), and it would've been kind of interesting to see how the sugar cane got turned into fuel, so that's likely how I would've gone with that. It didn't seem to hurt David and Lori or Wanda and Desiree on their time to choose that one. The one thing you want to avoid is starting one task, finding you can't do it, and having to switch to the other, so you gotta be realistic about your abilities when you're picking a Detour task. Don't always just go with the one they say is faster.

And that's it for this week! I'm not McDonald's, but I'm lovin' it!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I almost called you when I saw the biddies get booted! WHOO HOO! Can we get a collective ROCK ON EVERYONE ELSE here?