Thursday, August 21, 2008

In my email... says, "We don't care about your score.."

My first thought was, "Well, then why did I bother playing?"

My second thought was, "If scores don't matter, does that mean we all get gold medals?"

But then I realized that I had tied with the Chinese gymnast for the gold, so what they were telling me was that even though we had the exact same score, the Chinese gymnast would be getting the gold, and I was going to have to settle for silver.



Judy said...

Hey, I thought that was crappy of them in the gymnastics stuff - tied score should mean BOTH of them get the gold! That's the way it works in the World Championships anyway! How is the Olympics that much different????

Anonymous said...

That gymnastics thing was crap. I was watching the whole thing and was really pissed at that result.