Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Be still my nostalgic heart.

You will not believe what I found online. Okay, get your mind out of the gutter right now! It's nothing skeevy. It's quite the opposite. It's a big ole trip down memory lane - right back to my childhood and to every summer that I can remember with any kind of pleasure! Back to a time when summer actually meant a break, time off, freedom. It's time-travel to my Toni Tennille haircut, pom-pom socks and terry-cloth shorts.

I found...

Full episodes of "The Love Boat" available for viewing online!

I'm not kidding. I wouldn't do that to you. Just go to and it's in the Video section under Classics. They don't have every episode ever, but they have a bunch, and they're full episodes, meaning a full-on serving of 70s guest stars. John Ritter when he was...well, still alive, Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady for those who don't know her real name), Robert Hegyes (of Welcome Back Kotter semi-fame) - it's a freakin' Parade of Stars, people!

Honestly, it makes me happy just to see those old shows. It takes me back to the carefree days of my youth, wishing I, too, could someday go on a cruise - on Princess Cruise Line of course! Who else? I wonder what kind of marketing bang they got for their buck with that little venture. It must've been massive.


Judy said...

Wow - I remember sitting underneath the hair dryer on saturday nights with pink sponge rollers in my hair, watching "Love Boat"! Then, when "Fantasy Island" would come on, I'd get all freaked out - don't know why - just a bit too much tension in that show for me, I guess!

Suzanne said...

It was Tattoo, man. Who wouldn't be freaked out by that guy? "The plane! The plane!" It comes every day, little buddy. Why don't you just calm down? Or better yet, get in your little golf cart and drive to some part of the island where I'm not. You're skeeving me out.

Judy said...

Yeah, I agree - it was DEFINITELY Tattoo. He's a creep. Probably spent a lot of time doing the Peeping Tom thing on that Island...that's why he knew so much.