Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Back to the busy

Well, it's only Tuesday but this week is gearing right back up to my normal break-neck pace. I had all kinds of plans about all that I was going to get done between the time I got home from vacation and the time J would be returning today. I got some of it done. That's the positive way to phrase it. The negative way would be, "There was so much I didn't get done!" If I could just not work, I would have time to get all the things done in a day that I need to.

Speaking of J's return, Tropical Storm Edouardo (who comes up with these names?) threw a little kink into things. J's flight goes first into Houston and then on to Austin. Early this morning (like before the sun was up), the airline delayed his Houston to Austin leg. Then an hour or so before takeoff (still before the sun was up) to Houston, they cancelled that flight all together. Then they changed their mind and started boarding. Then they unboarded. Then they boarded again. They finally took off about 2 hours after the original takeoff time. If it lands without incident, he should have plenty of time to catch the delayed flight to Austin, and I'll have my J back this afternoon! I imagine he'll be pretty tired after all that, but it'll be nice to have him home.

Other than that, I'm kind of glad for the storm. We need the rain in a bad way, and it should give us a nice soaking over the next day or so. My lawn is already a little out of control because it's been too hot to mow since I got back. I'll have to suck it up and mow this weekend before I have the situation I had last year where I had to weed-whack everything before I could even mow! On top of more time, I guess I need yard people - no, not people who live in the tall grass growing in my lawn, but people who would actually keep my grass looking like a lawn instead of a horticultural experiment.


Judy said...

Couldn't you call your yard xeriscaping, Austin-style? You know, boosting the oxygen levels and providing a natural preserve for wildlife and all...goes with the area, don't you think?

Johnny Austin said...

Consider it done! I took the afternoon off and mowed down those nasty Yard People for you... What are boyfriends for right?


Suzanne said...

Okay, it's official. You are THE BEST!!