Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm (still) way too plugged in.

Sheeeesh, I disappear from Blogger for...what's it been? A couple of months, maybe a year?...and when I log back it in looks all differnt! I'm not sure if whatever changes they've made will actually affect anything about how I go about my a-bloggin' but I guess I'll find out.

I barely know how to use have the sites and equipment I belong to/own anymore. And this week I added another one. I joined Facebook because my college choir got a group going on there, and I wanted to belong (the sad, sad story of my life). I've been on there for a couple of days now, and I swear I'm like an old lady trying to figure out what all the little bells and whistles do.

I've been on MySpace for quite a while, and that's pretty user friendly. I have certain friends that that's about the only way I keep up with them. It'll be interesting to see how I keep up with Facebook. I swear, I have WAY too many portals to me via the Internet. But wadda ya gonna do?

I'd ponder all this longer, but there's a huge storm rolling in outside my office window, and I'm gonna cut outta here a few minutes early to try and get in the car before the massive rain starts. Latuh! (See how young and hip I am?)


Judy said...

Someone from church just invited me to join facebook. Heck, I don't have enough time to do the things I need (read: get paid) to do online, much less all this other stuff (and my personal blog).

Of course, I'm also the gal who doesn't know how to use her camera phone or text someone.

Johnny Austin said...

Your post was a 420... You are young and hip... ;)