Monday, January 28, 2008

You, too

So, I'm no longer hideous. No more zits or swelling, thangod. My return to normalcy was especially good news since I had the chance to go out in public this weekend and it would've been a shame if I'd missed out on fun things because of my elephant-man face.

Among the many entertaining things the weekend held, the coolest, hands-down, was boyfriend taking me to see the U2-3D show at the IMAX theater here in Austin. If you don't know what U2-3D is, it's a 3-D IMAX film of U2's Vertigo tour when they were in Buenas Aires. I kid you not, it was like being there!

I couldn't stop smiling or bouncing around in my chair - the other patrons were lucky I didn't jump up and just start dancing! Boyfriend said it was actually better than being there, because when the camera closes in on Bono, and he reaches out to you, it looks like you could just reach out and touch hands with him! It was fantastic. It made me want to go to a U2 show really badly! I love concerts.

If you have the chance, you should definitely check it out.

1 comment:

Judy said...

So glad to hear the zit has left the building - do you want a cold? We have several of those in stock here...