Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I care. I just want you to stop.

Just sittin' here listening to a co-worker cough incessantly. She says it's the cedar, which for most people would be a reasonable explanation, except that she does it all the time - cedar or not. She's done it for months. I can't begin to tell you how distracting and annoying it is.

It's not a "coughing up a lung" cough. I used to work with a guy who had one of those. In fact, he did cough things up on occasion. And spit them out. Into the trash can next to his desk. Imagine trying to work while that's going on one cube wall over.

No, this is more of a hacking, dry cough. We've tried to get her to go to the doctor for it, but she won't. I personally think that may indicate a lack of interest in solving the issue, since there's a certain amount of attention that comes with something like that. Not to rip on her. I like this lady. I really do. But she's a very loud person in general. Her speaking volumn borders on yelling, and she has kind of a sad-sack personality that might feed on the attention of an ailment.

I want to be sympathetic, because she has legitimate reasons for being kind of down lately, and as I said, I DO like her. But damn. Suck on a lozenge.


Judy said...

*sniff* *sniff*

Is that a gift basket idea I smell?

Girl, get a coffee mug, some cute teas, and some COUGH DROPS - put the tea and the cough drops in the mug, wrap some raffia around the handle and tell her how much you enjoy working with her - you just wanted to do something nice and give her a little "pick-me-up". So, you're out a buck for the dollar store mug, a couple for the tea and again for the lozenges - I think $5 to save your sanity is a GREAT investment!

Claude Henry Smoot said...

"I used to work with a guy who had one of those. In fact, he did cough things up on occasion. And spit them out. Into the trash can next to his desk."


He came up (see what I did there?) in conversation the other day.