Monday, January 07, 2008

I dropped the ball

Judy asked me what I thought about last night's Amazing Race, and I must confess, I have dropped the ball on this season!

With the holidays, and traveling, and football and social activities, I have just plain not been watching. There's been too much going on, people! Last night, I completely forgot about it, and I watched movies. I watched one romantic comedy, and it didn't have a happy ending, much to my dismay. So, in an attempt to get the happy ending I wanted, I watched another one with several love stories going on at once, and only about half of those had happy endings. Wuddup with Hollywood tryin' to bring me down???

So, I apologize for lettin' the world down on my Amazing Race commentary. I know my commentary is a vital part of the world entertainment complex. But if it makes you feel any better, my evening didn't have the happy quality I wanted it to have. In fact, I've had a couple of episodes in the last week where I got upset about something and had my evening colored as one giant bummer - movies aside. So, I think I need to burn some incense or something and get my energy workin' in a positive direction again! I've got a thorn or something in my mojo. I'm ready to pull it out so I can get back to the sweet-flowin' mojo I've had workin' the last couple of months!

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get back to the sweet spot with your mojo?


Judy said...

Oh NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Girl, I thought for sure you'd have a great comment about TK and Rachel getting a reprieve by it being a non-elimination round or about Jennifer (of Jen and Nate) and her attitude (whine whine whine) about never coming in first and getting a prize. She was bringing on total eye-rolls for me. Or, the fact that the grandad/grandson pair is still in it and going strong...good for them. The kid's a geek, but he is a fantastic kid - loves his grandfather and totally respects him. Or, how about Christina and her dad coming in FIRST!!!!! They aren't my favorite pair (the goths were my pick), but I'm really proud of them working together.

So there you go - now you have a recap! :-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been watching AR either this season, so I haven't been missing your non-posts about it.

When I need to get my feel-good back, I usually put some music on that I haven't heard in a while that makes me feel like dancing around my living room or that I can sing to at the top of my lungs with cool harmony parts - like Indigo Girls, old Wilson Phillips (I know, I know) or Bangles, S-Cat or my other accappella CDs, Chicago, Little River Band, Mingo, Earth Wind & Fire, etc.

Suzanne said...

Excellent suggestion, Ang! Music IS the ultimate mood enhancer!

And thank you, Judy, for that much-needed recap. I should go ahead and admit now that I probably won't be watching next Sunday either, because the Cowboys will be playing in their first-round playoff game, and you know that at my house, it's all about the foo-ball. So be prepared to do another recap!

Judy said...

Chances are, it will run late like everything else...isn't this what TiVo is for?

Which, by the way, I don't have.

I'll be gaming it, too - dips, beer - the whole nine yards (or hopefully the full ten yards every couple of plays for the Cowboys!).