Monday, August 13, 2007

What a Rush!!

You can tell I'm a professional writer from that headline, can't you? I bet I'm the first one ever to use that.

Rush was fantastic! They were worth every moment of lost sleep last night, which, as anyone who knows me will tell you, is a ringing endorsement. I value sleep right up there with...things that are worth a lot. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that much. Some oldsters playing some songs I know from the 80s and a bunch of stuff I don't know. But I'd be with my friend, who I always enjoy spending time with, so it'll be fun.

Wow, was it so much better than that! I knew more songs than I realized I did, and I liked the songs they played that I didn't know, and they had some fun video stuff. I'd forgotten how articulate and thoughtful their lyrics are - really head and shoulders above most rock bands. And their musicianship...yowza. Those guys are really gifted! All three of them are just amazing. I enjoyed every minute of the evening - and it was almost a 3-hour show! And the ampitheater was packed - they can seriously still sell out a large venue - after 30 years!

They're really just fantastic - worth every penny you pay for the ticket. If you even think you like Rush songs - think you remember a few - go see them when they come to your town. You won't regret it.

On a sidenote, the Verizon Wireless Ampitheater had a better setup than I'd feared. There's actually a lot of a seating - real seats - under a covered area directly in front of the stage. The "lawn" area is behind that. Because Sheila absolutely rocks, she bought seats in the covered seating area. And that's why Sheila and I go to shows together - we're both willing to pony up for comfort.

When we got to the theater, it was lightly raining, which made our covered seats that much more worth the price. And instead of causing the area to become a sauna, the rain cooled things off (thank god, since it was 99 degrees at 5:30 when we were driving down there), so we were really comfortable for almost the entire show. So, we had cooperative weather and good seats. Nice start.

The band started with "All The World's A Stage" - a.w.e.s.o.m.e. And I had a perfect view of the stage and the band. That lasted about a song and a half. Then some giant lady and her giant boyfriend sat in front of me. I think seating at concerts shouldn't be based on price or first-come first-serve. It should be based on height. Short people up front - tall people in back. I recognize that that would put me right up front for most concerts, but I'm willing to carry that burden. We're all going to have to sacrifice a little if we want this "everyone gets to see" thing to work! Luckily there were large screens - 5 of them - around the stage so what I couldn't see around Giganto Woman's head, I could see on the screens.

Well, I'm running high on caffeine right now, so I'm going to try to hurry up and get some work done before my eventual crash, when I become useless. I'd better go get some more coffee...


Judy said...


Good times, man, good times.

Claude Henry Smoot said...

Wow. A new Rush fan AND a Myspace account. Truly, welcome to the dark side.