Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The calm before...

Tropical Storm Erin is bearing down on Texas - it should make landfall somewhere on the South Texas coast, possibly around Corpus Christi, by tomorrow afternoon. Austin will get a nice dousing of rain for a couple of days as the storm breaks apart and moves on.

But last night, the only indication we had of the coming bad weather was some rainless clouds, which made for a gorgeous sunset.

I sat out in my backyard and enjoyed the beautiful sky until the sun finally eased on down past the horizon, leaving behind darkness and fireflies blinking gently. Summer.


Judy said...

spent the entire day at Schlitterbahn, coming home only for naptime. It was overcast and PERFECT for water stuff!

It is already sprinkling here this morning, though. It is going to be a wet one, I'm afraid.

As for Eric, several years ago they went to alternating boy-girl names during a season. First storm, a boy (or girl) and the next, the opposite. I am assuming it is because they were having a difficult time coming up with names. Have they never looked in one of those 200,000 baby name books? What's wrong with those meteorologists? It is either that or the dudes felt shafted and wanted equal rights. Yeah. Because equal rights is something we're so good at, isn't it? :-P

Suzanne said...

Ha! I must've been changing my post just as you were commenting this morning - I realized when I watched the news that the storm is named Erin, not Eric, so I edited my post to reflect that. Guess I didn't edit fast enough!