Wednesday, August 29, 2007

OMG. I own a business. How did that happen?

Oy, what a week. That post about the washer seems like weeks ago. I can't even stand to bore you with everything that's gone on since Saturday, but suffice it to say, I can't believe it's only Wednesday. I do have some big news, though.

First, let me say Happy Birthday to someone very special. You know who you are...if you check this today. I sent you wishes on another medium, though, and I know you got that one. But now I've said it here, so you're famous.

Now, onto my big news. You may have gotten it from the title of this post, since I kinda said it there, but the big news is...I own a business! Yes, that's right, I am officially a business owner!! My business is a professional writing service.

It's kind of in the infant stage at the moment. I've registered a DBA with the county, so I'm officially "in business" but I'm actually still trying to figure it all out - what services exactly to offer, pricing structure, etc. This all came up very organically, so I'm winging it a bit. I had a friend who needed some help with some marketing material, and then another friend who needed help with a newsletter, and we all began to trade services, and then they both offered to send business my way, and suddenly, there I was - at the county clerk's office researching my company name so I'd have something to call myself when this business came my way!

It's very exciting and scary and not the way the books tell you to do it - I have no business plan or anything. But it seems to be happening, and one of the folks I've bartered with up to this point has a financial planner who she said might help me figure it out if I write her (the financial planner) some marketing stuff, so there ya go. It just keeps kind of building! I'll let you know if I get to the point of having a Web site or something.

Wish me luck that it all develops the way I want it to. It'd be amazing if it got to the point somewhere down the road where I could actually make my living with my own business instead of workin' for The Man. There's a lot of ground to cover between now and then, so I'm not quitting my job just yet, but maybe I'm on a new road. Or maybe I'll just make a little extra cash doing something I enjoy. It's all good, right?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Wow - it is ALL good, girl! Congrats!

At least now I know who to contact when I get writers block about the dern ant farm article I'm "supposed" to have done this weekend...don't ask, don't tell, you know?

As an aside, yes, my mom was in town and no, I didn't try to set anything up with you and your mom. She came in late Sunday night, Monday was the first day of school for Travis (and Scott was out of town - in Austin, in fact), Tuesday night I was working late, Wednesday night we saw my brother, and now it is today. We'll get together next time she's here. Had she come in last week (Friday) like we ORIGINALLY planned, then it wouldn't have been a problem, but instead, we had to cram 6 days worth of "stuff" into four! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!