Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm SO 21st century!!

Not only am I writing this on a high-speed connection from my very own home, but I'm writing it on a WIRELESS connection!! That's right, Skippy! I'm goin' commando - my laptop on my actual lap while I sit on my couch with no cords tethering me to anything! I feel so freeeeeee!

Big huge shout-out thank you to Dave for getting everything set up for me. You rock, with your technically savvy self!

And big additional shout-out to Vangie for drinking beer with me while Dave slaved over the computer stuff. I'm pretty sure it would've been much more difficult for him without our support. Maybe we should come up with a cheer of some kind for him - Ridley can do ho-down kicks and we'll do herkies...then Dave can drive us to the hospital.


Judy said...

"Look, Peeetah, I can FLY!!!!"

Congrats on whizzing around with not a stitch of wires on you!

Unknown said...

Happy to help. And while I appreciate the moral support from you and Vangie, I was also enjoying a frosty brew while I was setting up your DSL. ;-)