Friday, August 03, 2007

Soon. Very soon.

I know we all get caught up in our workaday lives, so it's possible you haven't looked ahead to what begins in just a few short weeks (four weeks, actually, if you're looking at a burnt orange schedule), but campers, glory is upon us. Yes, that's right, in just one short page-flip of the calendar, football season begins. Let me repeat that: football season begins!!!!

There will be plenty of time to talk about college football - UT in particular - in the ensuing months. I won't even address the pre-season pick with USC in the top spot in this posting. Okay, maybe I'll address it a little: what.evuh. Should UT be in that spot? Probably not. But I actually prefer not to start the season with a target on our helmets, so that's okay. And besides, I'd like to see if Colt is 100% before I start thinking about where we should be in the polls. But as I said, there will be plenty of wondorous months ahead to talk college ball.

What I want to talk about today is pro ball. I don't watch pro ball. I watched the Oilers growing up. I was a child of the Luv Ya Blue generation. Earl Campbell. Bum Phillips. Kenny Stabler. They were good years, with memories of the Astrodome, Dome Foam (my dad drank it, not me - I didn't drink beer in elementary school), Dome Dogs, and lots of clothes in a pretty bad shade of light blue - Columbia blue they called it. Sounds like a Yankee color to me.

Anyway, when Bud Adams, the a-hole owner of the Oilers fired Bum Phillips - and announced it on TV, no less, before Phillips could even tell his family - I felt my love of the team flag. Then Adams demanded the city build him a stadium, and when they didn't, he moved the team to Tennessee. Good riddance to bad rubbish, we Houstonians said! But that left me without a team to care about and Houston without a pro football team at all. Madness.

By that time, though, my love of college football had reached fever pitch, so I decided I didn't really care much. College games start on Thursday night, continue on Friday night, then hit full-on on Saturday from 11 a.m. until sometime into the early hours of Sunday morning sometimes for West Coast games. Do I really need to watch on Sunday, too?

Besides, pro ball isn't as much fun for me to watch. The fans don't really have the same love that college fans have (your team is always your team - it doesn't just pick up and move to another city one day), and the players are all a bunch of over-muscled prima donnas who mostly just want to celebrate themselves and figure out how to work their court dates into their social schedule. College players love the game, knowing they probably won't ever play again. It's an entirely different experience to me.

So, what, you must be asking yourselves, is the issue? What's the point of my post? Well, the point of my post is I'm deciding if I should try and follow a pro team this year - pick one to be loyal to and try to love it. I don't know if I can or should. I'm not even sure who to pick. The Texans, because they're the new Houston team? That could be an exercise in frustration. They suck. (Don't even THINK about the Cowboys. A Houston girl could never root for the Cowboys. That's just sick.) The Titans? Vince Young is the QB, and that's awesome. But that's Bud Adams' team. Not sure I could do that. The Colts? Peyton Manning is the QB, and we all know I love Peyton, and I did spend a semester in grad school in Indiana, so I have a connection to that state. The Packers? I love the spirit of the Packers - owned by the folks and such great history. And Brett Favre is a great guy.

I don't know. What do you all think? Do I try to embrace the pro football world or just stick with college ball and leave it at that? I have a month to decide...

1 comment:

Judy said...

Billy "White Shoes" Johnson - remember him??? And who was that place kicker - we used to call him "The Barrell"? He actually lived in Willis when we were there, about a mile from our house.

Stick with collegiate sports. Icksnay the Cowboys (goodness knows since they're in training here in SA, I hear enough about them to last a lifetime...I do not CARE, Channel 4, do you hear me???), and the Titans still chap my hide, even with Vince. As for the Colts and Packers...meh. Whatever. I just think you ought to focus on what is good, true, right and burnt orange.