Friday, February 10, 2006

What's it gonna take?

Stupid I've had problems all week with trying to post. I keep writing posts, and then it won't load them. I tells me that it's saved the post and to try back in 10 minutes, but it ends up taking me until the next day before I can finally post. So, my posts are ending up a day late! I'm all off!

I mean, please. If I'm going to share the fascinating details of my life and my enlighting insights, can I please get the cooperation of the magic fairies and wizards who operate this "Internet" thing?

It this posts okay, maybe I'll try a more interesting post later. If it doesn't post easily, will someone tell me where I'm supposed to go to give the Web sprites their candy bribes?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Blogger has been quite slow lately - and I thought it was just my connection. They had some maintenance they did this past week, so hopefully things will be smoother this week!