Friday, February 17, 2006

Email should have training wheels.

You know, for someone who spends all day on the Web, firing off emails and IMs and operating my own little blog here, you'd think I'd be someone you could trust with email. But you can't. I'm more likely to do/say something stupid on email than I am in person, and that's sayin' somethin'.

This morning, I accidentally click on the "Drafts" folder in my Yahoo email account, and I see there are 4 emails in there from last spring and summer. I didn't even know I had any emails in that folder. One of them, I see, is to an ex-boyfriend - someone I get dangerously whistful about occasionally. In fact, just this morning, coming to work, I thought about him. So, because of that coincidence, I decide to open the email and read it - a little sidetrip back in time. We were actually already broken up by the time of the email, but we were still friends and talked all the time, and I'll admit it, I hoped deep down we'd get it all back together. But alas, we instead, went our separate ways, on not the best note, and haven't spoken in about 6 months (whistful noise).

So, I open the message. "Oh, that's nice. Look at us chatting like people who actually chat." (sigh) Click on "Check Mail" to go back to my Inbox and the present. Yahoo: "Message sent." Me: "What?"

I didn't click "Check Mail." I clicked where "Check Mail" would normally be. But in the Drafts screen, that button is "Send." Yes, that's right - I had just sent him the message from last June. Oh crap.

Well, you can't just let that sit out there. You can't let a person open a chatty email from last June with no idea what the hell is going on. So, I had to send a follow-up email explaining what a complete moron I am. "Haven't spoken to you in 6 months, but aren't I a hoot? Someone ties my shoes for me in the morning, ya know." I'm sure he's wondering as we speak how he could've ever let me get away.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Oh NOOOOOO you didn't! ACK! I'm proud of you for following up with another email, though.

Or, did you save that one to draft? Hardy - har - har. Hey if you can't laugh at yourself, well, I don't know how that phrase goes. Oh well. Then you can't laugh at yourself!