Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I hear blue is a fetching color.

I used to like Nicholas Cage. I did! I laughed often and heartily at "Honeymoon in Vegas." I probably still would if I watched it again. But somewhere along the way, Nick got kind of...odd. He veered down his own little path, and that path needed some paving, or even some gravel.

But did Nick pave? Did Nick put down some gravel? No, he did not. He left it dusty and rutted, and occasionally it rains and gets all muddy and Nick seems to have trouble navigating.

There are the lame movies. The failed marriages. The Elvis fascination. The naming of his latest child after Superman's dad (just go ahead and set up a therapy fund now, Nick). And he seems to take himself just a wee bit seriously.

With all of this on the plate, it's not surprising that his oldest son is emerging as also a bit on the unusual side. I'm sure that he and Nick characterize it as some form of "creative," but I'm just going to go ahead and say that this is a kid with tough times ahead. See for yourself:

Apparently, Nick and Eldest Son are making some comic book movie called "Voodoo Child," presumably because it's important to be goth and dark, so no one mistakes you for mainstream, which we all know is synonymous with being shallow and stupid.

So far as I can tell from this photo, he's a fatter, gother version of Nick. And you know what? That wasn't necessary. The world didn't need another version, and if we did, we'd want one more normal.

This also begs a bigger question: WHEN will the goth fad finally have its blood all sucked out and die??? I'm so bored with it. Someone needs to explain to these people that it's no longer cutting edge, cool, mysterious or mistaken for angst and, therefore, depth. It's just a fashion that's past its prime. Put on a little color and stop pretending you're fascination with death makes you unique. We're all fascinated with it on some level. Why do you think we rubber-neck at car accidents? So, get over it. Try listening to Katrina and the Waves. Dye your hair blonde. And drive a VW Bug. You'll love it. It'll be great.


Judy said...

Yeah, Goth is quite mainstream now. Go figure. Do something NEW - PLEASE!!!!

CAnyon lake is open at 4,000 CFS today. No tubing for a while...the outfitters are grumbling mighty loudly these days!

mc said...

I only wish untatooed unpierced and practicing restraint, which must be the truly depraved acts of the rebellious these days, would become the "coolest, sickest" new thing. We'd all win.