Monday, July 16, 2007

One day closer to the next day.

The weekend in review:

Friday night I saw the new Harry Potter movie at the IMAX. I've never seen a Harry Potter movie or read any of the books. I have nothing against it, per se, I just generally avoid things that involve people dressing in costume and camping out for opening day. But my company bought us the tickets and let us close up shop early to attend, so I had nothing to lose. I did, in fact, enjoy it, so no complaints. The 3D part was much improved over the last 3D movie I saw - Jaws 612, I think it was. In that one, you wore the glasses for the entire 2 hours, and the payoff for wearing the bulky, uncomfortable plastic mask was an occasional half-eaten fish floating at you off the screen.

Saturday night I went with my crew out to Canyon Lake to see Mingo Fishtrap. Mingo was, of course, awesome as always. You just really couldn't ask for anyone to do what they do any better than they do it. Love 'em. But we were a little miffed at the venue. The crowd was pretty small because the venue was a rather out-of-the-way place. When we got there, they up-sold us. We had general admission tickets, and they convinced us to pay an extra $50 to sit in an area that had actual picnic tables and was located facing the stage (the general admission area was to the side). We thought it would be more comfortable and were fine with paying the extra dough (okay, Jason paid for it, but the rest of us offered to pitch in!), but once the show started, we began to notice the $50 area filling up more and more with people who were not wearing wrist-bands for the area. Eventually, the entire crowd was in there. The venue did *nothing* to patrol the area. So, we paid $50 for nothing because we could've just sat in there for free like everyone else. Not happy about that. But lesson learned for next time.

Sunday, I paid a short visit to the folks' and then spent the rest of the day trying to get stuff done around the house. I succeeded in making a great many piles of "stuff I need to do something with." I'm not sure I didn't just ratchet up my own anxiety.

In news from the outside world, this: Lindsay Lohan is out of rehab. Insert your own cynical comment because it's just not worth my creative energy to come up with anything. Or just save it for the next time she goes.


Claude Henry Smoot said...

Yeah but I heard she was hanging out somewhere over the weekend with Criss Angel, so now she can add Mindfreak to just being a freak in general.

You have a crew?

Suzanne said...

Definitely. It's way cooler than saying "my friends." And I'm all about the cool, man.

Judy said...

You were in CL??? Which place? If you aren't a local, you know you are going to get robbed, right?

I wouldn't even begin to pick up a HP book or movie if it wasn't for Travis. Darn that child for making me more literate! It will be 2010 before we see the movie at the rate we read the books!
