Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I done been tagged.

Okay, Judy tagged me with a meme, so my post for today is covered!

List 8 facts/habits about yourself.
Post the rules at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
Tag 8 people and post their names, go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog.

Alright, here are 8 facts about me:

1. I am short. I've been called "tiny" on several occasions, but I think that only applies if you're under 5' - I am 5'3", so I am merely short.
2. I am conflicted about my meat-eater status. I love animals, and if I had to kill my own food, I don't think I could look into a cow's soft brown eyes and do the deed. But I like me a burger with bacon, guac and monterrey jack. So for me, burgers don't come from cows - they come from Hut's.
3. I love to drive too fast and listen to my music too loud, and I frequently talk on my cell phone (using a hands-free device) while I'm driving (in large part because my cell phone barely works inside my house, and I can't talk at work, so when I'm driving around is the best time for me to talk). However, I will say angry things about other people who do the same things. Me: multi-tasker. Them: menaces.
4. Brad Pitt has never particularly done anything for me.
5. I'm somewhat phobic about bugs, but only if they touch me. They're allowed to live and be in my general area, but if they get on me, I can't be responsible for the mayhem that results.
6. I love breakfast food anytime.
7. I don't have to have my house *clean*, but it has to be neat, or I get anxious.
8. I hate shirts that are tight under my arm pits.

Now for my 8 people. One small problem with this one. I only have 2 friends with blogs - one sent this to me and the other would never post a meme on his blog. So, I won't be tagging anyone, but if you visit my blog, please feel free to answer in the comment section!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I commented - why aren't my comments saving? Darn blogger!

I'm definitely a multi-task road master. Everyone else is inferior to my skills, you know.

BTW, I bought the case because our freakin' Wal Mart SUCKS and that's all they had...dern tourist season!