Friday, July 13, 2007

They're here.

The Beckhams are here. Woo-hoo.

I wonder if anyone has actually explained to them that no one in the U.S. actually gives a crap about soccer. Oh, there are a few people here and there who care, for reasons none of the rest of us can fathom. Most were born somewhere else, but a handful were born here. We can't really explain what happened with the latter group. David Beckham is nice enough to look at (except in the photo above, where he looks like a heroin addict - good God, don't these people EAT?), but frankly, unless he plans on putting on some pads and a helmet and learning how to forward pass with his HANDS, I can't imagine it's going to create much of a sensation here among us regular folk. But welcome Famous European Who Could Be Sitting Next To Me And I Wouldn't You.

And the Spice Girls? I'm guessing their songs will soon be on Geritol ads, so I can't get excited about "Posh" setting up shop here - not that I was excited back when the Spice Girls were actually popular. Mostly now, when I look at her, I just think, "Someone get that woman a sandwich. And cram it down her throat even if she fights you." I may have issues sometimes with this part of my body or that part, but I have NO desire to look like Victoria Beckham. She looks like she's been in a concentration camp for the last 3 years.

I have no idea if the Beckhams are nice people. Maybe they are. I have no problem with them moving here. And best of luck to them both in their careers, though I can't imagine that playing soccer in L.A. is what Becks dreamed of as a child. But whatever. At least they won't be requesting that we put our signs and election ballots in another language.


Judy said...


When I read the first part of your post, I thought, good golly, who are the Beckhams??? HAHA

Yeah, everyone sits on the side of a hill like that with another person. Didn't you know?

Judy said...

You're tagged!