Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's just so wrong.

I just found out some really upsetting news. The evil warlocks at Paramount are remaking Footloose!

I know, I know. It's unconscionable. Footloose is perfect the way it is. Kevin Bacon (do they REALLY think so newbie can step into The Bacon's dancin' shoes - spare me), a young and undiscovered Sarah Jessica Parker, Sean Penn's brother. And the music! Kenny Loggins. Sammy Hagar. Ann Wilson and Mike Reno. Dancin' in the Sheets! Let's hear it for the boy!! I can SEE the 80s hair, just TALKING about it!!!

I'm SICK at the thought of a 21st-century reimagining with some Lindsay Lohan spawn in the Ariel role or Ren's character driving - what? A Mini Cooper? Oh god. I just can't think about it.

Can we not leave the classics alone??? Did they learn nothing when they remade Psycho???

1 comment:

Judy said...

NO WAY! They can't mess with the best movie of the summer of 1983 (it was 83 wasn't it? The summer before our 8th grade year? Or was it 9th grade - 84?). Oh well, like it matters.

There is no way I will see a remake. The original stands alone. Nothing else can compare.