Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Taxes and perversion.

It's a nice day here in the neighborhood. The weather is nice - sunny with a high in the upper 60s. I'm not at work. I'm getting to hang with my family. Weekday television can be a challenge, though.

Aside from the usual hideousness of the Maury type shows that permeate daytime television, there's an abundance of local commercials. I think we all know that it's the rare local commercial that isn't cringe-inducing. The mattress, cheap furniture and car dealership ones are the worst offenders. Oh, and ambulance-chaser lawyers. Them, too.

Today I saw one for a tax guy, and as his Web site address came across the screen, I thought to myself, "Am I the only one that sees this?" The address is: www.IRSexpert.com (I'm not making it a live link, because I don't think I can be a party to bringing this guy more business). With the caps in place, the offense of this Web address may not immediately stand out. But look at it in all small letters: www.irsexpert.com.

You see it, don't you? Let's change the capping: www.IRsexpert.com. I-R-sexpert.The question is, did the guy do that on purpose, making him a perv, or did he do it on accident, making him kind of an idiot? I say "kind of" an idiot because I'll give him that perhaps he was so focused on his expertise with the IRS that he wasn't noticing that his address could be read some other way. I think that's giving him a wide berth, though, considering he's doing daytime TV ads. I think it's entirely possible he's doing some kind of subconscious Freudian thing to try and appeal to people. So, he's a perv AND he's manipulating weak minds. Nice.

I'll stick with Turbotax.

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