Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm crushing your head!

Is it really only Tuesday? Man. At times, it feels like time is screaming by at warp speed. Other times, I'm caught in a vacuum where clocks don't tick.

I bought some new headphones for my computer at work. They're great sound-wise. I barely have to put the volume on at all and I get ground sound. But good Lord, they're like a vice around my head. My ears actually ache after only wearing them a short time. And I have a small head! I'm like Beetlejuice! If I can barely stand to wear them, how do people with normal craniums stand it? The manufacturer must have done no product testing whatsoever.

So, several people have asked me about the fish tattooing thing I posted last week. I had time to find a link about it. I originally saw it on a local newscast here in Austin, but this story from the UK gives you the skinny. The say it doesn't hurt the fish, but I don't know - it just doesn't seem like something we need to be doing.

Busy Mom confessed earlier a few days ago to a fascination with celebrity gossip. A hearty, "Me too!" says me. I am, indeed, fascinated with the lives of the rich and famous. And not just the People magazine/E! True Hollywood Story variety gossip, though I'm on board with that, too. I'm also a long-time fan of the Biography channel, and I have a whole shelf of my book case devoted to biographies (some of it is true crime, but whatever - it's non-fiction!). It doesn't have to be scandalous to interest me - just unusual, meaning different from my ordinary existence. I really am fascinated by people's lives. And if you already have an affinity for people's stories, how can you not be drawn to such unusual lives as those of celebrities? I can't help it. It's a world totally different from the one I live in, and I find that intriguing. Anyway, a pat on the back to Busy Mom for not being afraid to let her celebrity gossip-hound flag fly, baby, fly!

1 comment:

mc said...

I was supposed to pick up all of the tabloids for my father today. Seventy Nine and he reads them all every week. He must know more about Paris Hilton than the clinic----er, I mean "Spa."