Saturday, February 03, 2007

Florence Nightengale

I'm headed to Ho-town this morning. I'm going to help my sister-in-law as she recovers from surgery. I'm very happy to do this. I just hope there are no actual emergencies or she may be wishing I weren't there, since mostly my nursing abilities consist of calling my mother in a panic and asking what to do.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have to blog, since part of my "job" the next several days will be taking care of my brother's kids, but I'm going to try and steal some time here and there. To distract you from missing my posts, though, I'll give you a few things to think about.

1. Kevin Federline is apologizing to fast food workers he may have offended with his Nationwide commercial. Is he apologizing for suggesting that working fast food is a step down from being a rock star - that they aren't living the American dream (because God knows that when we're children, we all hope to work for minimum wage in front of a fryer for the rest of our lives), or he is apologizing for suggesting that he could actually do that job and that fast food workers are, in some way, like him? I think that's an important distinction.

2. Angela and I had a discussion last night about how to account for time away from your job used to care for your pets - as in you have to take them to the vet for an illness. If you're the parent of human children, there's no question: you use sick time. But if your "children" are pets, some places expect you to use vacation time. That's garbage. For those of us without children, and maybe many of you with children, our pets are as much a part of our family as anyone else. And they have medical emergencies, just like people. If I were at the lake, that would be "vacation" away from work. But if I'm taking a sick pet to the vet, that's not "vacation." I'm handling a medical issue for a living, breathing, feeling creature I'm responsible for. There shouldn't be a question how I account for that time - it's sick time, just as it would be for myself or anyone else in my household that I'm providing medical assistance to.

3. They're tattooing fish now. I'm not kidding. I don't have time to find a link to a news story about this, but I saw it on the morning news here in Austin this morning. If I didn't have to log off of here right now and get the hell on the road to Houston, I'd rant about this. But I do, in fact, have to log off right now and get outta here. So, I'll leave it to you, the readers, to rant in the comment section.

Have a great Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm most definitely unclear about the fish tattooing thing. Is this sort of a "labeling" of sorts? Like the do to cows? They stamp them so they can count and catagorize them or something like that? Hmm. Are our federal tax dollars paying for this?

Judy said...

tattooing fish? I haven't heard this one the fish hatchery in San Marcos working on this? LOL

Anonymous said...

Sick time, vacation time...whatever it is for it is an employee's time. We shouldn't have to justify why we are using this "gift" of time. We use it because we need it for whatever reason we have. Legit or's a BENEFIT.
