Thursday, February 01, 2007

The man holdin' me hostage.

It's February 1. That means several things. First, payday: WOOHOO! Second, pay bills: boo. Third, I can officially get annoyed now that I haven't received my W-2 from my part-time job. I believe the deadline to mail them out was January 31, which was yesterday, which means at 12:01 a.m. this morning I could start complaining.

See, I'm still poor enough that (a) I do my own taxes (with TurboTax, though - I'm not so poor that I'm still using the 1040EZ form...progress); (b) I'm still working my part-time job (though I'm admittedly working fewer hours than ever before); and (c) I get a refund.

Point (c) means I like to do my taxes as early as possible, so I can get MY money (which the government has picked from my pocket throughout the year) as fast as possible. But I can't do my taxes until I have all of my documentation. And as of right now, I am missing a vital document - my other W-2! My regular job managed to get me one. And my mortgage companies (I have two) managed to get my mortgage interest statements. So on. So forth. But no part-time W-2. And so the government gets to continue to hold on to my money until employer #2 gets their shit together. Rat bastards.

But just in case the IRS reads my blog, I appreciate all that you do to make sure this great country gets all that it's owed. Really. Mean it. Call me! (No, don't call me - there's just no scenario where that would be a good thing.)

P.S. One more thing in this time of income, tax credits and deductions. For those of us who give to charity, because we're good people, then get inundated with requests from charities we know nothing about, here is a great resource for learning about how charities stack up against one another: Charity Navigator. These folks review charities, telling you who they are and what they do and breaking down how they spend the money the take in. They even tell you what they pay their executive officer and they give overall ratings in two formats - a star rating (1-4) and a number rating. So, if you've got 5 requests from similar organizations, and you don't know which one(s) to give money to, Charity Navigator can help you decide who will do the best job spending the money you give them.


Anonymous said...

Okay, then I get to complain about this, too. I'm going-to "one-up" you on this waiting thing... I am still waiting on FIVE things to complete my taxes: my two mortgage interest statements (unless they arrived in my mailbox in the last couple days, I haven't checked), my two CD interest statements (which my grandma sends me because they're CDs she set up in my name a long time ago and she manages them, but I have to report them on my taxe return), AND my income report from Matt for LCRocks. I do this every year. I wait. On these same things. Neither Matt nor my grandma can ever manage to get me those particular statements before the middle to end of Feb, so I always end up doing my taxes in March. I usually get a refund, too, so I'm always anxious to get my stuff in as soon as possible but it never fails that I'm always still *waiting* on stuff in Feb! Pisser.

Judy said...

Dang, lost my post!

Girl, I'm just now getting caught up - I don't know what is going on with Bloglines, but today they said you had 33 new posts (yeah, 33 since they last notified me of your postings! Whatever!).

Anyway - IRS. We have to pay every year, even with the kids and Tyler's tuition that is tax-deductible so I can work. So, we don't file until April 15. However, we get all of our documentation in RECORD time, but you won't see us rushing to get those forms filled out any time soon!