Monday, February 19, 2007

Sniff. COUGH!!

Very short post to alert the Webosphere that I am illin'. Caught some kind of respiratory virus. Congested. Can't breathe. Coughing - the lung-clearing kind. Headache. Fever. Don't get this. You don't want it.

I am fever-free at this moment, but I was yesterday, too, until the evening, when Mr. Fever reappeared. I think he was laughing. I said a bad word. Hopefully, tonight will be different and I can leave that phase of this behind.

Could be worse, though. I could be puking. Thank God for small favors.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Worse than puking, you could be parked on top of the toilet for other reasons, you know. Hope you feel better today!