Monday, January 23, 2006

What on earth?

Has it really been a week since my last post? That doesn't seem possible. I know I've been busy, but sheesh.

Let's see - what is there to catch you up on and/or post? Perhaps I should just hit the high points.

1. Mayor Nagin from New Orleans. Are you kidding me with this guy? Not only was he completely inept when the hurricane was bearing down, he just keeps on showing us that he's a moron. Before anyone starts on a FEMA rant, I know Nagin wasn't alone in his ineptitude, but he wasn't some lone voice of reason lost amid the squabbling federal politicians either. He was a moron. He did nothing. He stood there, confused and locked in panic, praying the thing would just pass the city by, doing nothing to get the people out. And let's not even talk about the years and years and years and years of warnings the city has had about what would happen if a hurricane like that ever came...and the whole lotta nothing Nagin did on ANY of that. No, let's just focus on last week, when Nagin said the spate of hurricanes that affected the U.S. in 2005 are proof that God is mad at America, particularly over Iraq. Wow. Now, that's insight. God must be REALLY angry with the Atlantic Ocean since that's where most hurricanes begin and end, never even coming near the U.S. I wonder what the Atlantic Ocean did???

2. Rain. We got rain!!! It wasn't alot, but that's a good thing. We haven't had any significant rainfall since Nov. 26, and that was only .33 of an inch. Our soil is like granite right now. We needed a nice, slow soaking to soften everything up and let the rain begin to seep down. We're supposed to get more toward the end of the week. I'm giddy!

3. Duke went down!!! Go Georgetown! You cute little Hoyas, you. Good for you! Duke had a couple of close calls this season, but managed to pull them out. Not Saturday, though. They went d-o-w-n. So did Pitt and Florida. No more undefeateds. My scrappy Longhorns ought to move up a notch. We won our game. Yeah, we did.

4. Anyone watching "Rollergirls"? I thought I would hate it. More trailer trash people to make Texas look stupid. Fantastic. But Vangie convinced me to watch it. Vangie is always up for a little trailer trash tv, and she's not afraid to say so. We watched many a Jerry Springer episode in our roommate days! And I could tell you a story about Anna Nicole, ninja spy. But that's for an evening after many drinks. It's not for the blog. Anyway, Vang and I could actually remember the women's names by the end of the first episode, so I knew I was hooked. I'm watching every week now. I may even go to a bout...with Vangie of course.

5. Shopping continues for the digital camera. After some research, I've got a list of candidates, and I've found a couple to try out. Now, I just have to find a good deal. Maybe this blog will have more pictures in the near future.

That's it for now. I told you - I'm busy!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I was SCREAMING when I saw Duke lose! WAHOO!

Did you watch SMU girls basketball game yesterday? Nah, probably not, but if you happened to catch it, then you saw Travis' teacher's daughter PLAYING! YIPPEE!!!

Here's to some more of the wet stuff our way, okay?