Thursday, January 26, 2006

I've been tagged!

Okay, I've been tagged for a meme, and I've never been tagged before (oh, for the days I could say that with regularity), so I'm assuming that all I do is post the questions that Melodious answered on her blog, and put in my answers! Judy did this same meme on her blog, and I noticed hers had a couple of extra questions, though, so I added them to the ones Melodious had. Here goes:

4 (of about 1,000) jobs I have had:

- clerk at a donut store (first job, at Shipley Donuts - see previous post!)
- usher at a special events center and a theater (I was a student, okay???)
- receptionist (my English degree was SO useful)
- writer/editor (thank you, UT, for the journalism degree)

4 movies I could watch over and over again:

- Casablanca (yeah, I'm one of THOSE people)
- Office Space ("Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately." "Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been *missing* it, Bob." Some people think of "Lord of the Rings" when they think of fantasy. I think of this movie.)
- The 'Burbs (Tom Hanks before he went all serious. But nothing is any funnier than when Bruce Dern's foot goes through the porch. I chuckle just thinking about it.)
- Notorious (I could just look at stills of Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman for hours.)

4 places I have lived:

San Marcos
Lafayette, Indiana

4 TV shows I love to watch (I'm a TV junkie, so there are many more I could list, but here are 4):

- The Amazing Race (NOT the family edition!)
- Criminal Minds
- King of Queens
- Dominick Dunne's Power, Privilege and Justice

4 favorite books:

- Memoirs of a Geisha (haven't seen the movie yet, but plan to)
- Tuesdays with Morrie
- Me Talk Pretty One Day
- Goldy Bear mysteries

4 places I've been on vacation:

- Ireland
- London
- Acapulco
- Salem, Massachusetts

4 Web sites I read every day (I can't say I check EVERY day, but most!)

- Yahoo
- The Animal Rescue Site
The Daily Kitten
- Where One Day Runs into Another

4 favorite foods

- cheese enchiladas
- queso (sensing a theme?)
- guacamole
- spaghetti (see, I can branch out)

4 places you would rather be right now:

- home
- at a coffee shop
- at a movie, eating buttered popcorn
- on vacation anywhere

4 People I Am Tagging

Okay, I'm a big loser because I don't know enough bloggers to tag! I got this one from Melodious, who found me, and Judy's already done it, so it'll just have to work its way around blogworld without my help. Forgive me Blog gods!


Judy said...

Indiana? When? Bitty baby time?

Oh my goodness I LOVE King of Queens! What a hysterical show!

Melodious said...

Thank you so much for playing along, Suzanne!

You like me! You really LIKE me! ;-)

Suzanne said...

Indiana was in my mid-20s. Believe it or not, for a semester, this Longhorn was a Boilermaker! That's right, I earned me a 3.67 toward a Master's in English at Purdue before deciding to come back to my alma mater and get a second bachelor's in journalism instead. Seems to have been the right decision, even though sometimes I wish I just drove the shuttle at the airport...