Friday, January 13, 2006

Do the right thing.

Today is a happy Friday! All Fridays are happy in that I'm facing two whole days off to do as I wish, but this Friday is better than most because I'll have THREE days to do as I wish. Come Monday, it'll be like I'm independently wealthy and don't have to work! At least that's what I'll pretend. I have a dream, too.

I'm assuming you all have Monday off as well. I think everyone gets MLK Day off - it's a national holiday, right? I am what's known as a "government employee" so I get all kinds of random days off. HEY!!! Don't shoot your scorn at me! I know all the stereotypes about government employees. But step off, man! In exchange for extra days off throughout the year, I get a lower salary than I'd get in the private sector, no profit sharing, no 401k matching, no bonus at the end of the year, or many other perks that you private-sector people have. And I have to put up with all those people who actually fit the stereotype. So, it's a trade-off, trust me.

I admit I don't plan on attending any MLK festivities on Monday. I'm going to go shopping. Mr. King wanted us to be free to make our own choices about what to do with our lives, unfettered by societally imposed notions of what we should be or artificial barriers to what we can do, so in the spirit of his work, I shun politically correct pressure to attend parades or listen to speakers and I exert my free will to shop. It's the right thing to do.

Tonight, though, I'm going to The Paramount to see "Princess Bride." I'm going to confess something here. I've never actually seen that entire movie. I know! It's a travesty. I've also never seen "Top Gun." Or "Forrest Gump." Or any number of other movies that other people assume everyone on the planet has seen. But you've probably never seen "Lost In America," and that's one of my favorite movies of all time, so when you rent that, you can bust my chops about "Forrest Gump."


Judy said...

Oh! PRINCESS BRIDE!!! I cannot BELIEVE you haven't seen this all the way through. Of course, I used to use it in my LArts class when I taught 4th grade, so I have the complete dialogue memorized, just from exposure (not because I am a freak that way!).

For the record, Scott has Monday off, but schools around here are still holiday for them. Travis is in Conroe with his grandparents this weekend and will just have to miss Monday. Just a perk of private schooling that we'll enjoy for a few more months before hitting the "real world" of education!

Missy said...

Ya, my DH and mom had to work today. Sucks, should be a holiday for all. I have not seen a lot of movies all the way through too. Like any of the aliens, and there are more but my brian is dead.

Good night.