Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quirky is just another word for "fabulous"!

So, my boyfriend's sister recently had a post on her blog that I guess you could kinda sorta call a meme. It's not really a meme as much as a question that someone had posed on their blog, and then she posed it on hers. I kinda liked it, so I'm going to pose it on mine.

The question is essentially, "What's quirky about you?" Or I suppose you could ask it as, "What are your quirks?" I'll answer first, and then you guys answer in the comments section! (Or in Judy's case, she can use it for her own blog fodder!)

Okay, so what's quirky about me? Well, for starters, I don't mix my food. When I eat a meal, I eat all of one thing before moving on to the next. So, I don't eat a little of this, and a little of that, then go back to this. ALL of the corn is eaten. Then I eat ALL of the mashed potatoes (or as much as I'm going to eat). Then I go on to the chicken fried steak, etc. I don't care if the food touches. That's not a thing. But I don't like to go back to a flavor. Once I'm done with it, I move on.

Admittedly, it requires some strategy. I have to calculate how much of each thing I really think I want to eat, lest I fill up on spinach and run out of room for mac and cheese (which, HELLO, would never happen, since I'd eat the mac and cheese first!). But I am allowed to go back for seconds and revisit the foods that I particularly enjoyed, once I've had a sampling of everything I intend to try. See - I'm flexible!

Other quirks? Well, let's see. My friend Vangie, who was my roommate for 2.5 years in the late 90s, alerted me during our tenure together to the previously unknown (to me) fact that I tend to leave electrical items on - like the iron or the coffee maker. She tended to leave cabinet doors open, so I would follow around behind her closing doors, and she would follow behind me turning things off. This worked well while we lived together, but once I had my own place, I had to start buying appliances that would turn themselves off after a certain period of time. The alternative was either becoming OCD about turning stuff off or burning my house down.

And the final quirky thing about me is my memory. I have a very strange memory. It's strikingly accurate at remembering faces and odd facts, but practically useless when it comes to remembering events in my own life, things I'm supposed to do, or what I'm supposed to be picking up at the grocery store. I can watch TV and see an actor or actress that I may have only seen a couple of times, years ago, in a supporting role in a show that maybe only had a few episodes and then got cancelled, and I never saw them again in anything else, and not only will I know I've seen them before, but given some time, I'll be able to tell what they were in and the role they played. I may not have a name, but I can tell you, "She was the receptionist in Lovespring International" (that's an ACTUAL example).

Yet, my mother tells stories all the time about stuff that happened TO ME and I have no idea what she's talking about. And I don't mean stuff that happened when I was like 2 - I'm talking about things that happened in high school, or college, or even my 20s, and I'm like, "Really? Well...what did I do then?"

I've learned to compensate for a complete and utter lack of useful memory by becoming uber-organized and writing *everything* down and trying to develop patterns (for example, always leaving my keys in the same place, since I won't remember where I put them if I set them down anywhere other than "where they go"). The good news is, if I get Alzheimer's one day, no one will notice.

So, how about you? What's quirky about you? Or if you know something quirky about me that I don't know about myself, tell me! I'm fascinated by me.


Judy said...

Oh Suzanne - you crack me up! I will totally do this over the weekend when I have moment - too much fun!

Although, I must admit, the only quirky about me is I have no quirks!

Sluggin' Beauty said...

LOL! I still find myself leaving cabinet doors open.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've had several days to think about this one, so here goes...

The two big ones that I cam eup with were 1) my obsession with animals (which Jason says is an *endearing* quirk of mine!), and 2) that I can't tell a story or give an explanation without repeating myself or including WAY more data in it that frankly nobody needs to know to get my point. I'm not an efficient talker. Evidently, says J, this relates to my voice mail quirk as well (the one where I leave really long rambling VMs).

Anyway, I'm sure you and my other friends can identify more of my quirks for me!