Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have a dream, too.

I long for the day when we stop talking about our leaders (and everyone else) in terms of their ethnicity, gender, religion, etc., and instead, when we look at them and talk about them, the thrust of the conversation will be about their policies and, as MLK Jr. said, "the content of their character."

All anyone can talk about is how Obama being sworn in today is "HISTORY!!!" They're beside themselves, in some cases to the point of joyous tears, about the "history" that is being made today. And why is it history? Because he's black.

Now, I get that it wasn't that long ago that black Americans were slaves. And it was even less time ago that they were institutionally treated as less than equal. They were forced to drink from different fountains, sit at the back of the bus, etc. It was NOT RIGHT. And I'll never understand it, because I simply do not understand the concept that the level of pigment in a person's skin has ANYTHING to do with their abilities, potential, character or humanity. So, it's meaningful that in the approximately 40 years since the civil rights movement, we have succesfully integrated to the point that we have elected a black president.

The problem is that a great number of people voted for him only because he's black - not because of his qualifications or even the specific policies of his that they support. Howard Stern did a bit during the campaign where he sent a staffer down to talk to the "man on the street." The staffer would ask the interviewee if they agreed with Obama's policy of X - and in each case, X was one of McCain's or Bush's policies. In each case, the interviewee loudly proclaimed their support, even explaining WHY it was a good policy. They had no idea what Obama does or doesn't stand for, and they didn't really care. It was his FACE they were voting for.

And that means that while we've come a long way, we haven't gotten as far as we need to go. And don't even try to say "She must be racist." Because if Hillary had been elected, we'd be hearing this same thing, except it would be "HISTORY!!!" because she's a woman. Well, I'M a woman, and I gotta tell you, it irritates me that it's such damn breaking news every time a woman accomplishes something - like it's so unbelievable that a woman could be Speaker of the House or president that we have to cover it like aliens have landed. Yes, we have WOMBS. So what? It's not a mental handicap, and in this day and age, it shouldn't even have to be a conversation when a woman runs for president. Of course a woman ran for president. Why wouldn't a woman be running for president? Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir took care of the whole "Can a woman run a country?" question a long time ago!

So, yes, we have a black president. Someday we will have a woman president. We'll also have a Jewish president someday. We've already had a disabled president (FDR, wheelchair-bound in case you were unaware). I'm sure we'll also have a gay president someday. And you know what? I *pray* that when we do, no one even TALKS about the fact that they're a female Jewish lesbian!! I hope THAT'S what's historical about it. Instead of seeing all the labels, we'll just see the person and if they're qualified, as a person and as a candidate/incumbent/political leader, to lead the greatest country on the face of this earth.

That's the history I'm waiting for.


Judy said...

I think it is more about getting to this point in history (FINALLY) and being able to collectively move past it. While I don't see in color, many people still do (my grandmother - God bless her - is probably the president of the I-See-Your-Skin-Color club). I think today's events show the lot of the likes of her that we're past all that.

I can definitely do without the constant replay of the events today, though. I wasn't here to see it and I didn't get to record it, but dang, I certainly don't need to see it every 15 minutes! I got it the first dozen times I tuned in!

Johnny Austin said...

Amen Sister!